I won't say these past 3 days went by in a blink of an eye. To be honest it felt like the days didn't wanted to get over.

I was bored. Jimin had his work. He can't really sit idle for me. Jen has been locked up in her room like she always have. While I was sitting in the living room or in the bedroom seening how many dents are there in the white coloured walls, and how the fan moved.

From whole 3 days survillance I saw that the living room was smaller than the bedroom but the kitchen had more storage space than the bedroom and the living room only had 4 furnitured in it namly. A set of sofa, centre table, TV which bearly was in use, a set of 4 chairs and thats the end. Its like the list started but ended faster than it started.

Every night me and Jimin have a talk about how Jimin will earn a lot of money, move out from this unbalanced and unplace house and go and live in a luxerious apartment with right proportions.

Currenly we were sitting and in middle of the second hearing. People were called out to listen to their part of the story. Jack never spared me a glance, Jen trying to take in glimpse og Jack but didn'tdo it because of lack of confidence.

" I would like to call upon miss Jen here" Jack's lawyer said.

The judge signalled us to proceed with the lawyers plae.

One Jen was in front and inside those ugly brown fence, the lawyer bombatered with questions

" So you are miss Jen, Sister of Miss Y/n?"

Jen just nodded. Wow thats a dumb question to ask.

"What were your thought about Mr Jack before the whole incident occured?"

"h-he was a kind person. He was soft till you pis-"

The lawyer didn't even let her completed and said while raising his voice" you heard that? She said that my client was kind. Now say how will a kind person can do such stuffs? "

"B-but I didn't c-comple-" Jen was again intrupted

"Miss Jen just answer the question I asked. Don't need to add up more"

"But I-"

Thjs lawyers intruption is getting on mu nerves.

"didn't you hear me? I just said not to say anything extra. Why to waste our judge's pracious time"

"LET HER COMPLETE HER SEnTEnce" I said but my voice shaked a little bit by then end of my sentence. Maybe it happed because of the intence look that the judge was giving me.

" Mr Lee let the small girl complete what she was saying. I am okay with my time getting a littl wasted, continue what you were speaking Miss Jen"

Ohh so the lawyers name is Lee something. Off irritating people can hire only irritating people.

"Jack, he can be ruthless if his head gets hot. He getts really angry at times and at that time he can do anything"

Jen said in fast pase so that she doesn't get intruped this time.

Judge looked at Mr Lee making that 'so this was a useless talk you were talking about look' of course being sarcastic.

"Mr Lee want to ask anything more?"

"Um no sir" his head was down from the embaressment. Mrs Song do you have anything to.say?"

"No.maam" My lawyer, Mrs Song answered.

Jen came back to her seat and looked like a huge lump of nervousness just washed through her.

She must be really horrified when that Dirty lawyer was intruping her every time she wanted to speak the important part.

Soon this hearing was at the end. The photo eveidence didn't showed up yet and I was so happy for that.

Our next visit to court will be after 3 more days. I must say, solving case takes a hell lot of time. If only I could go back to past and make it all right, I would be somewhere in hawaii, chillin with Jimin by the sea sore looking at the sunset.


Hoi hoiii

I don't know how this court system works. The whole thing I wrote is based on my imagination. I know my story is getting boring day by day so thats why I am thinking that I might end this ff within 40 chapter.

Thank you guys for reading my stupid ff and even voting and commenting. Though this voting and comment is done by only some but I am really thankful for the viewers too. I just wanted to share a peice of my mind, and my day dreaming. I hope you arent dissapointed in me.

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