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Camila had to stop again to tug at her luggage, the wheel on the bottom getting stuck again. She would just carry the thing, but she had to bring so much stuff that it wasn't as if she were strong enough.

"I got it, love." Her father Alejandro leaned down and picked up her suitcase by the handle.

"Thanks Papi." She couldn't help but watch nervously. "Be careful, has my laptop and camera."

She was then free to carry her guitar case with both hands, speeding up to follow her parents and sister across the parking lot. That drive had been so long, and Camila just wanted to decompress in her hotel room.

"Tell me again about this resort?" Sinu, her mother, seemed to sigh wistfully and Camila bit back a grin. If anyone needed a vacation, it was their loving mother. This was supposed to be her parent's anniversary vacation, but somehow both daughters got roped into coming along. Camila was excited, but Sofia was harder to read.

"Well, there's indoor pools, sauna, a can walk to the ocean, if you want..." Alejandro went on again, the same things he'd told them the night he booked their stay. Camila was excited, but she didn't need to hear it again. Instead, she just eyed Sofia out of the corner of her eye.

"It's so big!" Sinu exclaimed excitedly.

Camila watched as Sofia didn't glance up from her phone. She cut her own gaze away and looked to the resort. The hotel was huge, surrounded by the groves of palm trees and open space. They began jogging towards the welcome shade of the awning.

Sofia finally put her phone away and eyed a large ornate fountain just outside. Camila tried to see if she would smile. She finally did.

Camila knew Sofia wasn't too happy about being away from her boyfriend for the next few weeks. Sofia was only eighteen, and of course relationships felt like everything at that age, but Camila didn't understand why she couldn't be more appreciative of the fact that their father spent a lot of money so that they could all go together.

Even thought Camila had heard of this resort tons of times—the fact that it was only a couple of hours away from their home of Miami—she never believed she'd be able to go to such a cool place.

"Everything okay?" Camila lowered her voice to a whisper and stepped close to Sofia, ignoring the strain in her arms at her guitar case.

"Yeah. Derek said he'd call me tonight." Sofia smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

A bellhop came out with a cart for their luggage. Camila took her suitcase from her father as he piled on everyone else's things. He then asked about checking in, and the bellhop followed them through into the lobby. Despite the bags in her arms, Camila sighed at the feeling of the air conditioner.

"Miss?" The bellhop looked at the bags in her arms as her parents went to check in. Sofia plopped down on one of the fancy chairs to rest her legs and took her phone out once more.

"Oh, um, I want to carry them." Camila said, gently setting them on the floor to give her arms a much-needed break. "They have some expensive electronics for my work..."

"Ah," He grinned. "Well, please let me know if you need help."

"I will, thanks."

Camila recorded her own songs and covers for her YouTube channel. Her guitar, laptop, and camera were practically her own vital organs. She was sure he'd be careful, but she just didn't want to risk anything.

"Girls?" Alejandro finished at the counter and then came over. "Your mom and I are in suite 606, and you two are in 613. There is only one keycard, so who should hold onto it?"

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