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A/N: this chapter got obnoxiously long, so i cut it up a bit. expect part five very soon!

Sofia got back to the room a little while later. Camila had spent the rest of the afternoon updating her social media about her planned videos for the rest of her vacation. It was crazy to think that she was considering postponing some of the covers she worked so hard on so she could see something more romantic that was stuck in her head.

She then spent the time flipping through the channels on tv. She kept her phone in her lap, both anxiously watching the hours tick, and checking her feed for signs of him. Couldn't he take a break to just like one of her pictures? It was driving her nuts.

"Hey." Sofia walked in and Camila glanced up from her phone for a moment.

"Hey. Where were you?"

"Just around. Went to the adult pool with Mom. Did you go back to the kiddie pool to see your boyfriend?" She opened the mini-fridge and began raiding for snacks.

"Yes, I did. Shawn and I had smoothies, and we're going out tonight." Camila smirked.

"He asked you out?" Sofia looked up in shock, an overpriced jar of nutella and a spoon in one hand.

"Well, it was sort of...a mutual asking out." Camila explained, sitting up to point over the back of the couch. "Can I have some of that? I think there's bananas."

"So you asked him?" Sofia tore a banana from the bunch in a bowl and handed it to Camila, along with a hefty spoonful of nutella.

"I told you, it was mutual, but technically he asked me." Camila leaned carefully so she wouldn't get any chocolate on her shirt or the couch. "That reminds me—I know why he looks so familiar."


With a mouthful of fruit and chocolate, Camila just silently sent the link to one of Shawn's videos to Sofia's phone and watched her open it.

"Oh my God, yeah! I've seen him on my recommended like a million times, probably because I'm subscribed to you."

"Crazy, right?" Camila said thickly, trying to swallow. She went to the fridge and hunted for milk. She came away with a carton and poured some into a glass. "He sound so good, though. Like, amazing. Like...I can't believe he's not famous."

"I think the same thing about you." Sofia said, her voice soft. Camila looked up in surprise. She was touched. While her parents always loved her music, sometimes Camila felt like Sofia was so over hearing her sing.

"Aw, Sof..." She wrapped her arms around her sister, feeling Sofia stiffen and then laugh, before Camila's phone went off. She pulled back and checked it. "Oh! He followed back on Instagram!"

Sofia laughed and Camila watched eagerly to see what pictures he'd like. The only notification that came in was a like on her latest picture—the selfie she'd taken by the pool right before her unfortunate incident.

She spent the rest of the afternoon with Sofia. They laid on the couch and binged old episodes of Seinfeld on reruns, Camila anxiously checking her phone every ten minutes.

Their parents came by to ask if they'd been to the sauna yet. Sofia said she didn't feel like sweating in a room with other people, and while Camila wanted to try it, she didn't want to get sweaty before her date tonight. She also didn't want to have to tell them she was going out, and luckily, Sofia kept her mouth shut this time.

"What are you guys going to do tonight?" Sofia asked as the hour approached.

"I don't know." Camila admitted.

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