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A/N: sixteen, more like sexteen. wait that sounds kinda inappropriate. anyways, heaving nsfw this chapter. 

It was from both a mix of missing him and the thrill that Camila decided to let herself in Shawn's house while he was gone the next day.

She was restless, waking up early and asking Tyler for a ride as sweetly as possible for a ride. She felt for the key under the stone frog and let herself in.

It was strange being in Shawn's house by herself. She turned on the lights and the tv for background noise. Her heart started to pound, though her special plan wouldn't be in effect for several hours.

Shawn wouldn't be back until well after dark, but Camila had plans for him when she saw him. Like clockwork, he started to get angsty when they didn't get a chance to be intimate. He only got vocal about it after a few days, but she could see it in his eyes even after only a few hours since the last time.

She'd never been with someone who wanted her that much and who she wanted just as much in return. The way he snuck touches and glances on her body when he thought he could get away with it showed how he was never not thinking about her, and she'd get shivers if she thought about that for too long.

It would be hours before she'd touch him, but the teasing could start now. Camila took off her pants and bra, poured herself a drink from his fridge and sat herself up on the counter, sending him a selfie.

Guess where I am.

She didn't expect him to respond right away since he was driving, and it was almost half an hour later when he replied.

Whoa, watch out babe. You're all alone and the ghost could get you.

I'll be fine. I'm just waiting for you...with no pants on.

Camila kept herself busy, keeping him on her mind by going into his room to crawl into his bed. She needed to be surrounded by his scent. But as she opened his bedroom door and her eyes landed on something, she actually groaned out loud.

A pile of dirty clothes surrounded the empty clothes hamper. Camila stalked over to it and scooped them up.

"What the hell is the matter with him? Is this really so hard!?" She dropped them in the hamper. "If I move in, there's no way I'm going to tolerate—"

She froze, her face flushing despite no one being around to hear that. She quickly shook her head, busying herself with picking up the hamper.

"Don't say things like that, Camila. You're only setting yourself up for...something."

In the laundry room, Camila dumped the clothes into the washer. As she turned it on, she found herself thinking something else, and didn't stop herself.

"There's no way I'm doing his laundry all the time...this is just to be nice."

As she poured detergent into the washer, she jumped when the pipes behind the wall began to rattle. She knew it was just the washer, but the noise was weird anyways. She didn't linger around to catch sight of any ghost. She slammed the washer lid closed and darted back out into the hallway, slamming the door behind her.

She lounged in his bed for a while, his pillow soft and smelling of him. Just the scent was getting her worked up. She remembered laying here with him on top of her, his fingers buried so deep inside her as he growled in her ear.

She had to make sure it was even. If she was going to get worked up, so was he. She sent him another text.

Your bed smells just like you. I hope you know you have a girl waiting in your bed.

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