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A/N: warning for very, very, slightly steaminess.

You're like a drug

And suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need.


"How are you even texting him? There's no service out here!"

"I wasn't texting anyone! I was just writing something in my notes app, so I don't forget." Camila put her phone in the pocket on the side of leggings.

It'd been bright and early when her parents had come knocking on their hotel room door that morning wanting to spend the day together. Camila hadn't minded, but she sort of had the feeling her parents were checking to make sure she'd actually come home last night. And alone, at that.

They all ate breakfast together, Camila loading up on the coffee to try and keep from yawning, and then afterwards they tried to plan a family activity.

After some discussion—most of which was just Sofia saying that everything they suggested sounded boring—they decided to go on the hiking trail.

Camila was pretty stoked, and excitedly told their parents what to expect as they set off. Camila had prepared with water, sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. She was also glad to see her father had brought binoculars.

"Shawn showed me some pictures of these really cool birds!" Camila said. "Make sure you keep an eye out, Papi."

"Oh, I see..." was all he said as he looked at her comically through the binoculars. Camila just crossed her eyes and stared back.

It wasn't like she expected anyone in her family to ask for every detail of her date, but it was like her father especially, had been avoiding the subject. She knew how he must feel, but she was a grown woman, and it wasn't as if she hadn't gone out with guys since even before she moved out.

She minded herself that she hadn't actually been with a guy around her parents in a long time, so their only recent exposure was Sofia's boyfriend, and Derek didn't exactly leave the best impression on her parents, not that they'd even told Sofia that.

The hiking trail was as promised. It was lined with groves of trees and other plants. Some of the more obscure plants even had little wooden information signs. Camila kept glancing up in the palm fronds for interesting animals, but only saw squirrels and plain-looking birds.

And in the privacy of her own mind, Camila relived every detail of last night.

The way Shawn had made her laugh. The way her heart pounded whenever their eyes locked. The way his touch went from exhilaratingly new to exhilaratingly familiar over the course of the night.

And of course, their almost kiss.

There was plenty of regret on her end for not just kissing him, but somehow, also not. It only made her want him more, to crave that look he'd given her when he watched her dance. That want was addicting.

So she had to type out those lyrics before she forgot.

Like most of her original lyrics, they were unpolished. And like all, they'd likely never see the light of day, but still.

"Oh, Mila, look!" Alejandro whispered, pointing up at some branches. Camila looked where he pointed and saw some leaves waving in the wind.

"I don't see any birds, Papi." Camila sighed.

"This is boring." Sofia grumbled. "My feet hurt."

"I told you not to wear sandals." Camila didn't take her eyes off the branches.

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