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Camila woke up after about an hour and went to get dressed for dinner. She chose a simple strapless dress and sandals, having packed only warm-weather appropriate clothes.

Brushing her hair made her wince when she touched the back of her head, so she just tied it back in a semi-elegant ponytail, hoping to hide the lump she swore she could feel forming.

She and Sofia stood together at the bathroom mirror doing their makeup. Camila wanted badly to ask about her conversation with Derek, but she didn't want to turn this into a fight. Camila usually wasn't shy about saying what she felt, but Sofia was just as passionate and stubborn as she was, and it was bound to turn into a yelling match, so she stayed quiet.

They took the elevator up to the restaurant on one of the higher floors. It was both fancy with table cloths and servers, but with a very laidback atmosphere as well. The walls on the inside were glass, giving them a perfect view of the stretch of tropical trees, ocean, and a beautiful sunset.

Camila asked the host for her parents' table and they were led to a table in the center and handed menus. Camila didn't have her glasses, and didn't feel like straining her eyes on the drinks, so she just ordered water with lemon.

"Hi girls." Sinu reached out to pat Camila's hand. "Did you have fun checking out the place?"

"We only went to the pool, and we didn't see you there." Camila said.

"Oh, I was at the east pool. It's adults only, you must have went to the family pool."

"That explains why there's no alcohol in the smoothies." Camila didn't mean to blurt it out, but Sofia laughed. Her father shook his head, obviously trying not to chuckle.

"You should come to the adult pool next time, then." Sinu said. "It's very relaxing and quiet."

"I don't know..." Camila was unable to keep a smile off her face as she sipped her water. "I kind of like the family pool."

"Camila almost drowned and a hot lifeguard saved her." Sofia reported rather loudly, making Camila nearly spit out her water.

She glared across the table, wanting to kick her sister, but hating that she was sitting too far away. Sofia laughed as her parents gasped, her father launching in on her.

"Almost drowned! How does that happen!?"

"I didn't almost drown! I dropped my stupid sunglasses in the water—it's no big deal, I'm fine!"

"Did a lifeguard really have to save you?" Sinu muttered in Spanish and Camila hoped Sofia was happy that she was worrying them to death over nothing.

"No, I would have made it out just fine. I just accidentally inhaled some pool could happen to anyone."

"You shouldn't swim alone, Mija." Alejandro sighed. "Maybe you should stay with one of us tomorrow—"

"Oh my God, not happening." Camila snapped. "I'm fine, Papi. Really, I am. I love spending time with you both, but please do not squash my independence over something so stupid..."

Finally, her parents seemed to drop it, though Alejandro kept giving her worried looks. Camila hoped he wasn't picturing her flailing around under water. Even thought it had felt like ages, Camila knew she was only under water for a few seconds, and this shouldn't be such a big deal.

Camila and her family enjoyed a nice variety of sea foods for dinner. When Camila pictured a fancy hotel, she pictured amazing room service pizza, but she realized now that she was glad they were giving the restaurant a chance at least once.

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