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A/N: double chapters tonight because I love you guys. 

Everything ached when Camila finally opened her eyes in the morning. Sunlight streamed into the room too bright, and her mouth was too dry. She groaned and pulled the blankets back over her head.

It all began to come back now, last night. She drank her weight in margaritas and beer. It was a level of drunk she hadn't been in forever, but that wasn't why it all hurt.

Sofia. Camila threw back the covers, her world spinning in pain and nausea as she slowly sat up. Everything blurred as she tossed her hair out of her face. She blinked and nothing came into focus.

She very vaguely remembered taking her contacts out in the bathroom last night because—she fell in the water, that's right. She did remember that.

Camila groaned and fumbled in the nightstand drawer for her glasses. With everything in focus, she could see the bottled water on the nightstand.

That wonderful considerate man. His side of her bed had long since lost its warmth, but Camila could hear voices in the living room. She took her time, slow even sips so she wouldn't puke.

She then stood up slowly, her bedhead curls falling around her shoulders. She remembered changing into pajamas she'd pulled out in the dark. Mismatched shorts and a tank top. She had no idea where any bra was.

She pulled on one of the hotel bathrobes that hung on the back of the bedroom door and braced herself for loud noises and bright lights as she walked out into the living room.

The smell of food didn't exactly turn her stomach—a good sign. But the bright lights did make her squint.

Sofia and Aaliyah were at the table, a massive stack of pancakes and bacon in front of them. Shawn was in the kitchen, his back to her as he clicked on the coffee machine.

"You're up!" Sofia gasped and Camila winced.

"Too loud." She groaned.

"Sorry." Sofia whispered and she and Aaliyah giggled.

"Hey, babe, you hungry?" Shawn smiled at her and Camila remembered everything.

There was a dark bruise just under his eye along his cheekbone. She felt her stomach turn as the sound of shattering glass echoed in her head.


"Don't—" He turned away, a sheepish grin on his face. "It doesn't hurt, really. Please don't make a big deal about it. It'll go away in a couple of days."

She walked up and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her cheek against his back. He was so warm, and it felt so nice.

"Hey, we won't make fun of your face anymore." Aaliyah smirk. "We'll make fun of Camila's glasses instead."

"Shut up, I messed up my contacts when I got in the water last night."

"You mean when you fell in the water." Shawn said. "Because you were running."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "I don't really remember that."

"Here," Shawn giggled as he pulled a chair out for her. "I'll make you some coffee."

"Did you... cook all of this!?" Camila looked at the breakfast spread, and Shawn laughed.

"No!" He shook his head, chuckling. "Your parents brought it from downstairs. I could barely stand up when I first got up this morning."

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