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A/N: this chapter is a personal favorite of mine *pouting emoji that i'm too lazy to copy and paste*

Camila didn't sleep the rest of the night. She found herself watching a loop of hour-long infomercials on tv as she laid on the couch. Her eyelids felt heavy, but her mind was still racing.

She was in some weird stage of half-sleep when the sun was just rising. Her phone vibrating on her chest and she opened her eyes.

She lazily checked the screen, noting only that it was Shawn calling it was not even six am yet.

"Hello?" Camila listened for a moment, hearing a crackling sound that might have been breathing. Did he butt dial her on accident? "Shawn? Are you there?"

"...Hey." He sounded so quiet, she strained to hear him.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Camila sat up, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"...No." He whispered.

"Why? What's wrong?" She listened to him breathe on the other end for a moment.

"I...I just..." His voice shook and she felt her heart pound. "Nothing. It's nothing. I shouldn't bother you. Sorry."

"Wait, it's okay! Shawn?" Camila blinked when she heard the call end.

What the hell? Was she still dreaming? No, no she was definitely awake. So, what was with him?

He'd seemed fine last night when he left, but yesterday wasn't exactly the kind of day you get over just by smoking and falling asleep, and she should know, considering the weird dreams that were a side effect.

Camila remembered now in the back of her mind, something Shawn had told her. She could still feel his hand in hers on their first date when he admitted it.

"Some days I don't even wanna get out of bed because it just feels like too much."

Was that what that was? It definitely sounded like that. She pictured Shawn, huddled under the covers and reaching for his only lifeline, his phone—and her.

She'd said he didn't want to bother her, but screw that. It wasn't a bother, and he needed her.

Camila moved quick and silent through the room, pulling a sweatshirt on over her lounge clothes and stepping into shoes. She slipped her phone and wallet into her pocket and left, closing the door behind her.

Her eyes flicked to her parents' room. She could grab the keys and use the car, but as she approached, she realized they were still asleep. It was too early even for them. And if she knocked on the door to ask for the keys, then they'd start asking questions. And she just didn't know what to say.

Her feet led her on their own, she walked towards the gym, praying by some miracle that it would work.

She could hear the steady whirl of treadmills as she stepped onto the floor. Camila jogged towards the door, passing someone she almost didn't recognize until they spoke to her.

"Yo! Drowning Girl, you gonna get that cardio this morning?" Tyler was in workout clothes and was downing a protein shake. He held up his other hand for a high-five, but Camila had to ignore it.

"Is Ashe here?" Camila asked, the urgency showing in her voice.

"Uh, yeah, but her class just started."

"I need you to do me a favor." Camila started, figuring he was a good a chance as any. "Can you give me a ride to Shawn's? It's really important."

Tyler's car was kind of messy, but Camila squeezed into the passenger seat. The CD player blasted loud music as the car started up, but Tyler turned it off and they rode in silence.

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