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A/N: low key watch out, major nsfw / kink warning ahead, lol.

Camila spent the next day back at the resort while Shawn took Aaliyah back to the beach to go scuba diving. She told Shawn that she wanted to make sure Aaliyah got to spend some one on one time with her brother, but she was also glad to be avoiding another potential drowning.

"Busy today?" Camila asked Sofia once she was up.

"No, why?"

"Wanna hang out with me?"

They ended up going to the arcade together. Camila had always assumed Sofia would think it was too babyish, but she actually had fun playing Camila in air hockey. Camila let her keep all the tickets and she got herself a foam football.

Afterwards, they decided to watch a movie. They laid together on Camila's bed, scrolling Netflix on Camila's laptop. They picked a thriller, but ended up talking through it. Camila didn't mind at all.

"I just realize...I'm way happier when we're not talking." Sofia mumbled, drawing her knees close to her chest. "So, does that mean we should break up?"

"A relationship is supposed to make you happy." Camila started tentatively, even though her insides were screaming at her just to say yes and finally get her away from him. "If you're not happy, then what's the point?"

"He used to make me happy...I think." Sofia sighed. "I used to want to make him happy too, but now it's like I don't even care what he feels. What does that say about me?"

"When was the last time you thought he actually cared about how you felt?"

"A long, long time ago." She sighed again. "I just wish I was like you. Everything is so easy for you."

"What makes you think that?" Camila tilted her head.

"You're beautiful," Sofia started, muttering almost enviously. "You can sing, you got to move out on your own, guys fall all over you, you found literally a perfect guy when you weren't even looking—"

"Anything sounds good when you say it all that way." Camila felt her face heat up, though she didn't like the way Sofia seemed to put herself down.

"Oh, come on. I always see the way Shawn looks at you. I can't remember the last time Derek looked at me like that."

"You don't need him." Camila wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You'll find yourself a great guy in no time. When we get back to Miami, I bet you'll find the perfect guy who looks at you like you're his whole world."

"We..." Sofia chuckled.


"You said when we get back to Miami."

"And? What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing." Sofia smirked. "Let's just watch this dumb movie."

It seemed then that Camila could only think about Shawn—even more so than usual. After dinner, she took a long bath, laying in the warm water and remembering how Shawn felt when she'd bathed him.

Her mind seemed to replay yesterday, every time he'd kissed her or touched her. From the innocent way he held her hand, to the not so innocent way he'd touched her when he thought no one was looking.

It wasn't just that he touched her ass. He let his hands linger on her hips when he walked past her. And when they locked eyes, his gaze trailed down her body. She wasn't the only one who spent yesterday staring.

It'd been way too many days since they'd last had sex. And considering they were still in the very touchy-lovey phase of their relationship meant it was really taking its toll. If not kissing him had been driving her insane, then not fucking him was downright killing her.

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