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Camila laid in bed beside him on the dawn of their last day. She reached out, letting her fingertips trace patterns of his rips. Shawn opened his eyes and looked at her, a soft look on his face.

"I'm designing your new tattoo." She told him.

"I like it so far." He closed his eyes again. "...Would you ever want one?"

"Yes. I just never know what I'd get." She sighed. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Kind of...but not really." He said and she laughed.

"That's not very descriptive."

"Well, it depends where it is. Like this one hurt, because it's right on my hand." He reached over and brushed his thumb over the sparrow on his hand. Her eyes followed.

"That's my favorite one."

"I can tell. You're always staring at it, Miss Hand Fetish." He smirked.

"It's not a fetish!" She blushed, kicking him lightly. "It's just—okay, whatever, I guess it is a fetish."

"Does this do it for you?" He held his hand out in front of her face and waved it around. She rolled her eyes.

"No, but this does..." She grabbed her phone and scrolled all the way back to the picture he'd once sent her of his hand in the sink under the tap.

"I completely forgot about that." He laughed.

"You thought you were so cool and funny." She smirked.

"No, I was freaking out. Don't you remember what you sent me to prompt that?"

"Yes." She scrolled up to the picture she'd sent of her leg in the tub. "What the hell was I thinking? I mean, I was probably thinking that I wanted to entice you..."

"And it worked."

He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her. He was so warm. Camila rolled, pressing her back to his chest. She reached for his hand, holding it in hers and bringing it to her mouth.

She placed soft kisses to his knuckles, hearing him sigh in content in her ear. She then slowly dragged her tongue across his tattoo, and then up his fingers.

She had him moaning and hard by the time he slipped his fingers inside her. She kept her arms around his neck, locking him into a kiss as he made her cum.

He then fucked her slowly, their breaths mingling and their eyes locked. Camila closed her eyes, fighting tears and pressing her face into his neck so he couldn't see her cry. She just tried to focus on the way he felt. They had a rule about today, after all.

Shawn whispered her name and his love for her as he came. Camila gasped, her legs locked around his waist, holding him deep inside her.

They didn't care about getting cleaned up afterwards. Camila could feel sweat beading down the backs of her legs, but didn't mind it.

They didn't move until they got too hungry. Camila knew they'd be eating a big meal tonight, so she and Shawn just ate cereal in bed. Camila had hers in a bowl with milk. Shawn ate handfuls of dry cereal from the box.

"You're gross." She teased, watching his lick his fingers and then stick his hand back in the box.

"Maybe so, but don't act like this doesn't do it for you." He licked his fingers, looking her in the eyes.

They stayed in bed as long as they could, Camila just in underwear and his t-shirt and Shawn only in boxers. He made her laugh even as she tried not to cry.

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