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Camila had never gone to the gym on a date before, but Shawn assured her that that wasn't the actual romantic aspect of the day he had planned—that would come after his shift.

Before his shift, however, he wanted to get a workout in. And Camila didn't mind at all tagging along.

Camila didn't really do extensive workouts, other than the occasional jog or run on the treadmill, but she loved meditation and yoga, and Shawn assured her that the resort's gym also had a space for yoga.

Camila wore purposefully snug yoga pants and a tank top as she waited outside in the hall for him. It was so early that she didn't have much worry about there being too many people that would stare at her.

Besides, even if there were, Camila didn't care who stared as long as one of those people staring was Shawn.

Camila smiled when she spotted him coming down the hall. He was also wearing a tank top, giving Camila a perfect view of his arms as well as another tattoo she'd never seen before of a butterfly on his upper arm.

She completely forgot that he was the one who was supposed to be doing the staring.

"Hey, ready to go?" He smiled at her and Camila wondered how her poor heart was going to take beating so fast so often.

"Yep." She bit back a yawn and she tied her hair back into a ponytail. "But just so you know, I'm still technically on vacation, so I'm not going to be doing any extensive working out."

"That's cool. You can just watch me."

"That was the plan."

The hallway outside the gym was completely empty. Inside, Camila saw a large open room, half of which was wall to wall with exercise machines and equipment. The other half was a carpeted floor with a wall of mirrors.

It took Camila a moment to realize they weren't alone. Someone was sitting behind the information desk. A girl was slumped down in the chair with her feet on the desk. Shawn caught Camila's eye and smirked before slowly creeping towards the desk.

Shawn slammed his hands down on the desk and the girl screamed and nearly fell back before jumping up. Shawn laughed but Camila didn't dare smile until she saw the girl was half-laughing too. And half yelling.

"God, Shawn, you're a fucking asshole!" She swatted his arm with a rolled up magazine.

"You just looked so peaceful, I had to disturb you." He laughed.

"I feel sorry for whatever girl you end up with." Her eyes flicked to Camila and she smiled. "Speaking of which..."

"Camila, this is Ashley."

"It's just Ashe." She insisted with a friendly wave of her hand.

Something about her was inviting. She had short wavy red hair and her tank top showed off the tattoos down both her shoulders.

"Ashe works here too, but she kinda hates it." Shawn said.

"Let me tell you, the only people that come to the gym on vacation are either meathead guys or super health-conscious vegan girls." Ashe said. "The only pros of the job are, well, the vegan girls."

It was then that Camila noticed the bracelet on Ashe's wrist was striped in rainbow. Ashe must have caught her staring, because she smiled.

"Yeah, I'm gay, in case you were wondering. A certain someone I know—" Her eyes flicked to Shawn. "Knew me for over six months and—"

"Ashe, don't—" Shawn started, but she talked over him.

"—And didn't get that I was gay, and tried to ask me out—" She laughed and Camila couldn't help but laugh too. "Mind you, this was back when I had an undercut, so I looked ten times gayer than I look now—"

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