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"Is it weird that I wanna impress a teenage girl?"

Camila had been going through her suitcase since she'd gotten out of the shower, but still wasn't sure what she was going to wear.

Shawn had gone to get his sister earlier that morning and would be back that evening. He'd invited Camila over and he was going to grill out for them. He'd seemed excited about finally getting to show off his grilling skills, but Camila wondered if he was anywhere as nervous as she was.

"I don't get why you're so worried." Sofia was laying over on her bed. "She's just some kid."

"She's also Shawn's family." Camila rolled her eyes. "The first member of his family I'll be meeting, and I really want her to like me."

"Relax, she'll love you." Sofia said quietly. "I mean, I idolized you at that age."

Camila smiled at her, not wanting to point out that sixteen and eighteen were not very different in terms of ages. She had a feeling her sister would find a way to take offense at that.

"You're right. I'll just go with this one." Camila chose a simple pink shirt. Teenage girls liked pink, right?

"What's she into?" Sofia asked.

"Uh, hockey, mostly." Camila said, remembering what Shawn had told her. She was now regretting such a girly color, but decided she didn't want to stress herself out by changing again.

Camila slipped off her bathrobe and put on jeans and the pink shirt. She then got to work at the dresser mirror on her hair and makeup.

"You don't know anything about hockey."

"Don't remind me." Camila locked eyes with her sister's reflection.

"Maybe talk to her about music? Though your knowledge might be kinda outdated...do teenagers still like the Jonas Brothers?"

"You tell me." Camila said flatly and Sofia actually laughed. Camila smirked, turning around and leaning against the dresser. She eyed Sofia's phone in her lap. "Hey, how are you?"

"Me? Fine, I guess." Sofia glanced away, her eyes darting to her phone too. "Derek hasn't texted me today. It's kind of a relief..."

"You wanna talk about it?"

Before Sofia could answer, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Their mother came in carrying a small bottle of nail polish.

"I found it." Sinu smiled. "I knew I had black somewhere in there. Go nuts, I never use this one."

"Thank you." Camila took the bottle and grabbed acetone and a box of tissues off the dresser.

"Mija, ready to go?" She turned to Sofia now.

"Yep. We're gonna hit the sauna. See you later."

"Bye...?" Camila looked up in slight surprise.

Sofia had gone from thinking it was gross to actually wanting to try it? That was as good as a sign any that she was getting better.

Camila got to work, scrubbing off her chipped blue polish and carefully applying black. She then realized that the bedroom door was closed, meaning she was trapped in there until the polish dried.

Her phone on the dresser buzzed and Camila peered over it, her wet nails held out carefully. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the sparkling heart emoji she'd put in her phone by Shawn's name.

We're back in city limits! Gonna hit the grocery store and then come pick you up, okay?

Camila quickly waved her hands through the air to dry her nails and typed back, careful not to smudge her nails.

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