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"Where's my mascara? Did you take it?" Camila dumped her makeup bag out onto the bed.

"No." Sofia didn't look over. "It's in there."

"This is brown, where's black? Where's my eyeliner? I cannot find anything!"

"I put everything back as soon as I used it!" Sofia rolled her eyes. "Maybe you didn't even bring it."

"I—" Camila took a deep breath to keep from blowing up.

She was trying to get all her stuff together to take to Shawn's tonight. The anniversary dinner was the day after tomorrow, and Camila wanted to be able to get ready and arrive together.

Shawn would be off his shift any minute now, and Camila had already packed her dress and shoes, but now she couldn't find half her makeup.

"Maybe Mami has some."

Camila rolled her eyes and walked out. It was better than getting herself worked up trying to find her own. She really wanted to stay calm, since she knew she would be close to blowing up into tears for the foreseeable future. She just wanted to delay it.

Camila walked down the hall to her parents' room. She could hear their voices, but froze when she went for the doorknob. She could have sworn she heard her name.

She'd long since accepted her flaw—that she was nosey and a snoop. She held her breath and leaned in, her heart pounding when she heard how tense their voices sounded.

Were her parents fighting? The day before their anniversary? Camila bit her lip, straining to hear. It was heavily muffled, hard to catch every word.

"You have to understand she—"

"—She—" Her father sighed. "I'm sure he's a nice kid—but Camila—not serious—"

"Not serious— Oh, open your eyes, Ale! Where do you think Camila is every night? Because she's certainly not down the hall!"

Camila gasped, backing up rapidly, her face going red. She froze, her heart pounding. They really were fighting about her. And about Shawn.

She was dying to hear more, but she jumped when someone lightly touched her arm. She gasped, turning to see Shawn smiling at her.

"Whoa, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled. "Ready to go?"

"Uh...yeah..." Camila glanced at their door one last time. "Let me just grab my stuff."

She grabbed all her makeup and dumped it into her bag before walking with him down to the car. Her mind was still reeling with thoughts.

Her father didn't necessarily sound upset. More confused and concerned. Camila supposed she understood where he was coming from, but she also knew that he had absolutely no reason to be concerned.

Because Shawn was perfect for her. And it would all be over soon.

Friday morning dawned as usual. Camila wrapped her bare legs around his and groaned as he reached for his phone. He turned off the alarm and called someone, keeping his eyes on her and the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, it's me. Listen...about that favor...I'd owe you. I know, but I'd owe you even more. Whatever you want, I swear." Shawn was looking into her eyes and Camila's heart began to race. "Thanks, man. You're the best."

He hung up the phone before reaching out to wrap his arms around her, pulling her body flush against his, their skin pressed together.

"You're not leaving?" Camila felt him nuzzle into her neck.

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