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The following weeks marking the end of summer passed in a blur. She and Shawn set aside a weekend to drive to Miami and get Camila's stuff. Road-tripping was fun. Camila was in charge of the radio and the snacks. She and Shawn rolled down the windows and sang as loud as they wanted.

Her mother and Sofia helped her pack her clothes and everything small into cardboard boxes. Her father and Shawn were supposed to be moving the big furniture out of the bedroom. She wondered what the hell it meant that she heard arguing that turned to shouting and then turned to laughter.

Decorating together was the most fun. They moved in Camila's table and chairs and Shawn happily pointed out how well it already looked. The extra bedroom stuff fit perfectly in the spare room.

They filmed their next two cover videos sitting on a real bed—one for each of their channels. Their voices blended perfectly and the viewers seemed to love that they were moved in together.

Shawn grilled for everyone on his birthday. Camila drank with Ashe and asked about Nadia doing her hair too. Ashe went pink and Camila got streaks of rose gold.

The fair came to the boardwalk at the very end of summer. She and Shawn ate all the food and rode all the rides until Shawn threw up twice. There was a local band playing at the beach and Camila and Shawn made sure to cheer louder than anyone else.

"Hey, how'd you get the gig?" Shawn approached them afterwards, his voice raw from screaming.

"Our manager set it up." The lead singer told them. "You should call him if you're serious about it. Hold on, I'll find his number—"

For Halloween, Nora threw the party at her family's cabin. It was the perfect backdrop for something spooky. But this was Florida, and Camila didn't have to worry about the cold as she chose her costume. She went as a lifeguard, with only a white t-shirt and her whistle on over a red bikini. Shawn didn't take his hands off of her all night.

Shawn put his cooking skills to the test for Thanksgiving. They drove down a few days before and Sinu let Shawn make all the side dishes. Camila had to admit he did a very good job. He seemed proud of himself anyways, and posted pictures of his cranberry sauce on Instagram.

Camila was a wreck when Christmas came. They flew to Canada and Camila squeezed Shawn's hand so tight that he winced.

"Don't be nervous, babe." Shawn smiled. "They're going to love you."

Camila was already freezing as soon as they landed. She felt small beside Shawn in her over-sized coat and boots. Shawn seemed so content to be back home.

Shawn's parents did love her. Karen and Manny both hugged her and Camila somehow felt at ease instantly. Aaliyah couldn't wait for Shawn and Camila to finally meet Oreo, who wasn't such a small puppy anymore.

Shawn helped his mom finish decorating and Camila tried to get Aaliyah to teach her how to understand hockey. She was lost within the first few minutes, so Shawn's father helped her. He had the idea that he'd give her a secret signal for when it was best to cheer at the tv. It worked—Shawn seemed elated that Camila was pulling for all his favorite players.

"This is just a placeholder." Shawn promised her on Christmas morning as he gave her a new dress. "You'll get your real present when we get home."

Camila already knew what it was, but she still cried when Shawn gave her a puppy. He was small and black with a tiny bark. Camila named him Thunder and he slept right at the foot of their bed. Camila watched Shawn carefully for the first week, but he didn't sneeze once.

Shawn posted his original song for her and it was his first video since their Lover cover to hit so many views so fast. Shawn cried when it almost hit a million. Camila posted a song for Shawn and he cried then too. Camila held him, Thunder licking their ankles.

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