Chapter 41

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The next day, I was on my way back to Hogsmeade as early as noon. I'd packed my bag with everything that I would need for that day—I discreetly slipped my cauldron with a lid on top of it into my bag that morning before any of my roommates saw, along with my wallet, a pair of scissors, a comb, a spare toothbrush and toothpaste, and a battery-powered hair razor that I may or may not have stolen from Draco the day before.

You see—the day before—I decided that I wanted to make Sirius look a bit less...scary. I was planning on buying him new robes, giving him a haircut, shaving his beard a bit, and make him look more presentable. So I did.

Firstly, I wanted to do this as a thank you present for teaching me how to be an animagus. Secondly, I wanted to do this just so he would feel a bit happier—I knew that his mental health probably wouldn't have been the best after spending all of this time alone with nothing but a hippogriff and a few rats to live off of. Lastly, I just thought it would be a really good bonding experience for us. I realized that I didn't necessarily know much about Sirius other than the fact that he was friends with my dad and he dated Lupin, and I wanted to learn more.

Especially since he took me under his wing and became a father figure for a year or so. Or should I say tail?

So of course, that day, I bought Sirius a new pair of robes, hair products, and some food and Butterbeer from Three Broomsticks, and ventured up to his little cave by myself. Luckily I remembered the way there since Sirius hadn't shown up to the bottom of the hill to guide me this time.

After about a half an hour of climbing, I finally reached Sirius' cave and walked in.

"Yo," I said to Sirius, who was in human form and feeding Buckbeak. He stepped away from Buckbeak and smiled at me. "Hey Prongslet," said Sirius. "You brought me Butterbeer?"

"I brought you a lot of things," I said with a small giggle.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Sirius, sounding slightly skeptical as I walked towards him.

I set my Butterbeer down on the cave floor and handed Sirius his. I then proceeded to open my bags from Hogsmeade and the bag that I brought from Hogwarts and emptied the contents onto the cave floor.

"No," said Sirius immediately.

"Pleaseeeeee," I begged.

"Maya, it'll take a relatively long time to properly transform. At least two hours."

"Yeah, it's about 1PM, and it would take about an hour for me to work my magic, so I would leave at around 4. I was the one who did Hermione's hair for the Yule Ball you know."

"You did that? I saw the pictures in the Daily Prophet," said Sirius. "But her hair is like a lions mane. It looks impossible to run your hands through without being stuck there for three days."

"Exactly," I said. "Now, please? It's been a while and I want to talk to you about stuff that isn't animagus stuff."

"No," said Sirius.

"Please please please please please please please please please please PLEASEEE—"

"Stop," Grimanced Sirius. "Merlin, you're just like your father. Fine, I'll let you."

"Yay!" I exclaimed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my pile of things.

"Jeez," he muttered.

"This is going to be fun, I promise," I said excitedly. "Firstly, take this and brush your teeth in the corner."

"This is going to be a long afternoon." Said Sirius, taking the toothbrush and toothpaste from my hands,

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