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"All I said is that I was bored! How does that make me the bad guy?" Korei asked as she stood in the middle of Shinsou's bedroom with a few of her personal items in hand. "All we do is sit around and make-out! You don't want to take me out, and you definitely don't want me around your friends! I just want to do something more than sit in your room, Hitoshi!"

She was exasperated. Her boyfriend of almost two years hadn't even formally introduced her to the friends he made when he transferred from the general studies course to the hero course. It's not like he didn't have any, she knew he did. Shinsou talked about his friends and the things they did together all the time. He just never brought Korei along to meet any of them. The only friend that she was well-acquainted with was Denki. The blond was someone that she trusted, the guy she confided in when Shinsou wasn't around. He understood her frustration but he always told her that it'd work out in the end. She believed him then, but it was times like this that made her question why.

"Just get out of my room, Korei. I don't want to deal with this right now, " he groaned and the green-haired girl glared at him. She knew that if he really wanted her out, he'd use his quirk on her and that would be the end of that. Shinsou wouldn't use his quirk on Korei, no matter how annoying she got. "You're always fucking bored, okay?"

"So this is it? We're done?" She scoffed, looking at the purple-haired boy. He was growing more and more agitated with the way she was speaking to him. Shinsou didn't want to put up with it anymore. "I get it, alright? I'm not allowed to talk anymore. You just want me to sit still and shut up?"

"No, what the actual fuck are you talking about? I constantly listen to this bullshit over and over again!" Shinsou shouted, practically shooting up from his bed so he could stand in front of Korei's half-dressed body. "I deal with all of your stupid complaining, alright? You're always bored when you're with me! What the hell do you want me to do?"

"Um, I don't know! Maybe, take me out on a real date! We could even go for a walk outside of the dorms or something! I just want to know that you care about me." Her voice was a lot softer than the yelling earlier but she was still fired up. "I want you to show me what you used to. I don't feel loved by you anymore. I just...I feel like an object. Something you use when you want."

"Fuck this, honestly. Just get out of my room. I swear every damn Friday is the same thing! Get your shit and get out of my room!" Korei flinched a little bit from his yelling but nodded. Shinsou sat back on his bed, absolutely pissed about what was going on. His adrenaline was pumping and he wanted to let Korei know exactly how he felt. "You know, you're always talking about how you're bored. Well, I'm bored too. I'm bored of you, Korei. It's done, like really done."

"Oh," she mumbled, glancing up at him with wide golden-brown eyes. She tugged her shirt on quickly and then grabbed her backpack. "Sorry that I wasn't what you wanted." She breathed out, tears welling. Shinsou heaved out a loud sigh and nodded his head, he didn't want to let her go but he couldn't deal with this anymore.

"I'm sorry too," he responded. Once he said that, Korei was out of the door. She raced to the elevator, repeatedly pressing the button in an attempt to get the doors to open faster. Huffing out in frustration, she ran to the staircase and rushed down the multiple flights as her tears began to spill down her cheeks. She didn't bother to put her shoes on when she got to the door, she just picked them up and rushed out.

Korei stopped and attempted to let the fresh air calm her, but the deeper the breaths she took, the worse her hyperventilating got. She focused on using her quirk to emit the smell of eucalyptus, knowing that it always worked to soothe her. Never having used it to soothe a heartbreak, she didn't know that it just made it worse. With that in mind, the tears just kept coming. Through blurred vision, she slipped her shoes on, took two puffs of her inhaler, and began making her way to her own dormitory building. There, she could cry in peace and not worry about disturbing other people.

"Whoa! What happened? What's wrong? Korei?" Denki asked when he recognized the crying girl. He was quick to run to her and make sure she was alright, not even realizing that his friend was also tagging along. Despite not knowing her that well, even though he liked her for all of their second year, Hanta was right there and he was worried too. "Did someone say something? Who? What did they say?"

"It's nothing, really. I'm just...too emotional, " Korei waved off, trying to wipe her tears away. She didn't want Denki to think she was really hurt, even though she was. "I'm sorry for bothering you."

"We came to you, " Hanta spoke up, catching her attention. He felt his throat close as he looked into those golden-brown hues that he fantasized about. She was crying terribly, like, snot and everything but she still looked beautiful to him. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're not a bother."

"Yeah! I love you, Korei! Whoever hurt you is gonna get fried!" Denki promised, causing Korei to giggle just the slightest. She hugged her blond friend, burying her head into his shoulder as the black-haired boy rubbed her back. Denki was shocked, slowly placing his hands on her back as well, worried that something bad had actually happened. "Are you okay?"

"Hitoshi and I broke up, " she mumbled out. Denki was even more shocked by hearing that. He thought the two of them were happy. They were 'couple goals' for everyone around! What happened?

Hanta didn't know how a break-up felt, but he was best friends with rejection so he knew what that bad emotion was like. "What do you want to do now, then?" He asked, not knowing exactly how to comfort someone going through this. He did know that he hated hearing 'It's okay,' and 'You didn't need her anyway.' Surely, Korei would hate that as well, right?

Sniffling, Korei pulled her face from Denki's shoulder and looked up at the guy she had only seen a few times before. Not caring that it was unsanitary, she wiped her nose on the sleeve of her shirt. She definitely wasn't expecting to hear that. What did she want to do? Well, she wanted to go to her room and cuddle into her bed while listening to some sad music. She wanted to eat her feelings. She wanted to study her feelings away. She wanted to be numb. She definitely didn't want to be alone.

"We've got some weed and I know Shinsou didn't really want you to smoke but...you can if you want. It's not a healthy coping mechanism but it's something, " Denki shrugged, shocking Hanta by being so open about their contraband. He wasn't visibly shocked but he was so used to sneaking around with his weed that his eyes widened just the slightest.

Korei looked at Denki and nodded slowly. Shinsou didn't let her smoke because the first time she did, she had an asthma attack. He was just trying to keep her safe, she told herself. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try it again. Especially since it was with Denki. He knew where she kept her inhaler if she needed it, everything would be fine. "I wanna get high with you guys."

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