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"Thank you, Mr. Hasegawa! It means a lot to me, " Korei smiled, bowing to her physics professor. She was surprisingly successful in persuading him to excuse her for the week. Luck had to of been on her side. "I hope you have a great weekend, sir!" 

"Of course! You too, Saito!" He bowed in return, a kind smile on his lips. "Congratulations, once again, on your engagement." The heavyset girl thanked him yet again, tugging her phone out of her pocket as she began to head out of the room. Hasegawa turned around to collect the essay papers from the bin, remembering something important. "Saito!" Korei shoved her phone back into her pocket, cheeks red as she thought she had been caught looking at her fiance's steamy text messages by her professor. "Don't forget to finish that essay for your internship. They're due by Monday. If you can just email it to me, that'll be fine. I'll print it out." 

"O-of course! I'll email it to you before Monday. Thank you, Mr. Hasegawa!" She had completely forgotten about the essay paper, and even about the internship! She had one foot in the door with this internship, already having more qualifications than the rest of the class because of her experiences at Yuuei, she just needed to finish that essay and she'd have it in the bag. Why hadn't she finished it yet? You know what, she probably did but she just forgot to print it out or something. Yeah, that's probably what happened. "H-have a go-good day!" She stuttered before rushing out of the lecture room. 

As soon as she got outside, she yanked her phone out of her pocket to call Hanta. He had the day off and was currently lounging around at home, and based on the text messages that he had been sending to her, possibly, probably, masturbating. Korei's tongue was bitten as she tried to will herself to ignore the video message he had sent to her and click the call button. Weak, she played the video and felt her body grow hot. Of course, she as right. Hanta was, indeed, masturbating. Making sure no-one could see her screen, she replayed the video before finally calling him. Her essay paper was almost pushed to the back of her mind at that point.

"Hey, babe. You out of class yet?" His voice sounded so deep that Korei almost couldn't recognize it. It's not her fault, Hanta's testosterone production was suddenly skyrocketing because he was getting older. It's not like he was growing any facial hair or anything, and he tended to keep his body relatively hairless just because he preferred that, but other things were affected in this increase. "I know you saw the video I sent you. Did it get you so excited that you just had to call me?"

"Hanta, please come get me." She said, not even bothering to take another step out of the science building of her University. On the other side of the phone, Hanta grew a little worried. Was she okay? Was this an 'I'm-so-horny come pick me up,' or was it a 'something-is-wrong come pick me up?' He couldn't tell easily but he was hoping it was the first one, not just because he was also horny but because he didn't want Korei to be upset. "Like, I really need to get home and check something." 

"Yeah! No, yeah, of course! I'll be right there!" He practically shot up from the bed, his cell-phone clutched between his shoulder and his ear as he yanked some sweats on. He grabbed his wallet as well before heading out. "What, uh, what is it that you need to check?" The tall male asked as he shut the door behind him. Korei could hear the old neighbor lady tell him that she liked him without a shirt on and she couldn't help but laugh. "O-oh, okay Mrs. Kaedae. My fiance can hear you, ya know." He joked with the cotton-haired woman.

"It's fine, Hanta, " Korei giggled, listening as her fiance continued to chat with their neighbor. She wasn't worried about him taking too long, knowing that he moved pretty fast. This gave her more time to get lost in thought as she tried to figure out if she had written her essay already. She only had three days to get it to her professor and she probably hasn't even started it.

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