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"His hair is like, super soft when he lets me brush it, " Korei rambled, thinking about all of the good things she could. It made her cry a lot more but she liked thinking about how happy they were together. "He made me feel like I was so much more than what people said. He didn't care about my weight and he didn't tell me I was unhealthy, he told me I was beautiful and that I didn't need to worry about what other's thought of me, " she sniffled, the tears pouring from her puffy eyes. Hanta frowned, moving from the ottoman to sit beside her on the bed. He wrapped her up in a tight hug and Korei just cried and continued talking. "My grandmother said I was stupid for getting with him. She said that all boys only wanted one thing. She was wrong about that, but she was right about me being stupid."

"No, you're not stupid, " Hanta cooed, hugging her tighter. "Stop telling me about the good things, okay? Just tell me all the bad things from the relationship." He wanted to help her get over the guy, not continue liking him. It always helped to point out the flaws of an individual after they've hurt you. In Hanta's opinion, it's better to be angry than to be sad about it. It's easier to deal with anger.

"Well, " Korei flinched at the thought of trying to find bad things. She didn't like to think lowly of someone, especially because she still liked Shinsou. It was only today that they had broken up, and it was like Hanta was trying to urge her through the process as quickly as possible. "There's not much, " she admitted, moving away from him just a little bit so that she could look up at him. Their eyes met, hers still had a few tears falling from them and his eyes were sympathetic. "Hitoshi's...amazing."

"I'm sure he is, " Hanta nodded, knowing how easy it is to fall in love with the appeal of someone when you've only looked at them through rose-colored glasses. "Think really hard. Maybe it was something that he did right before you broke up, or maybe he snores in his sleep? Just, pick apart the smallest things."

Korei rolled over to stare up at her ceiling, her face scrunching up as she thought deeply about Shinsou's flaws. She knew he had some, she just didn't like the idea of bad-mouthing him. In her opinion, she felt like she should only say those things to Shinsou. "He doesn't snore in his sleep, " she mumbled, turning her head to look over at Hanta. "He rarely sleeps. Hitoshi likes to stay up late and watch TV. We streamed a lot of shows, " she huffed out, tears dried on her cheeks. A small scoff left her lips and she couldn't help but shake her head at it. "He always got mad at me when I brought up how bored I was. I think that's why he broke up with me. He said he was tired of hearing me complain about it," she rolled her eyes and went back to staring up at her ceiling. "I know I shouldn't have continued complaining about it but we always just sit in his room and watch TV. A majority of our time is spent making-out in his room and I'm just kinda sick of that? It's boring! Doesn't it sound boring to you?"

"Sitting in my bedroom and making out with a hot girl? Not at all, " he shook his head, eyes trained on the ceiling as he thought about how great Shinsou had it. Hanta didn't even realize that he had called Korei a 'hot girl' but she definitely noticed. Her cheeks flushed bright but she was more upset because maybe she had been in the wrong. Maybe she made a mistake. "Look, I'm sure that there's more to it than just that. I mean, you're having a great time right now, right? We're not even making-out!"

"True, " Korei hummed, glancing over at Hanta once again. The black-haired boy looked at her as well, both of them giggling and smiling at each other. "He didn't like talking. The only time he liked talking is after midnight. I had no issue with it but I just wish that I could have done something like this with him. I mean, he didn't even want me to smoke, you know? I get that it's because I had an asthma attack the first time I ever smoked but like, he was really strict about it. He wouldn't even let me sit in the room when he got high," she pouted, her hands folded on top of each other and resting on her stomach. "And he didn't like taking me out anywhere. I still haven't met his hero class friends! The only friend of his that I know is Denki."

"That's actually really messed up," Hanta mumbled. "Why wouldn't he take you out anywhere? Did he not want to show the world that he was with this amazing girl? Like, what the hell?" He grumbled, mostly to himself. Korei smiled at what he was saying, thinking that he was just trying to cheer her up. She knew she was cute but hearing that she was amazing made her stomach all fluttery. "He probably didn't want you to meet some guy and fall in love with him because you realized how stupid Shinsou was." Korei smacked his arm playfully, the two of them chuckling at the possibility. "I mean, that makes the most sense to me. In my opinion, you're way out of Shinsou's league." 

"Thanks, Sero-kun," she smiled, rolling onto her side to look at him easier. "Thank you for helping me with all of this. I've never been through a break-up before," Korei confessed. Hanta shrugged, rolling over as well. He returned her gentle smile, shuffling a little bit closer to her on the bed. "It's kind of odd that we've never talked before. I wish I had met you before." 

"Why's that?" Hanta asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. The two of them held eye contact for a few short moments, nothing creepy. Korei couldn't hold in a giggle, finding it absolutely hilarious that they were staring into each other's eyes like they were the main characters of one of those cheesy romance movies Shinsou made her watch. "What's so funny?" Hanta asked, laughing lightly because he thought her laugh was so infectious. 

"Nothing, I'm just having a lot of fun, " Korei calmed down. She buried her head into Hanta's chest and it made the boy wonder if she was this affectionate with everyone or if he was just special. He liked to believe that he was special but he knew he wasn't. Korei was just a very affectionate person. She loved hugs and she just couldn't turn them down. That's part of the reason why Shinsou liked her so much. He was very low-key about his affection, but he loved cuddling. "Hitoshi and I used to have a lot of fun just hanging out in his room. It stopped being fun when he started being more...uh...you know, " she mumbled, moving her head a little to try and hint to Hanta that she was talking about sexual stuff.

Hanta's eyes widened as he realized what she was hinting at. "Was he...forcing...you?" Korei's own eyes widened and she quickly moved away from him as she waved her hands about.

"No! He didn't force me to do anything, he just...wanted, " she sighed, her face dropping as she remembered all the times she left Shinsou disappointed. The furthest she ever went was a hand-job, and that was because Shinsou asked. He was her first boyfriend, she didn't know much about the sexual side of life. Her grandmother kept her from a lot of things and she never went looking for more. "He wanted a lot more from me than I wanted to give, yet he didn't want to give either."

"Then he's an asshole for getting upset about that!" Hanta shouted. "Like, I'll be the first one to tell you that I love everything about sex, alright? Like, the skin on skin contact, the intimacy, everything about it is just so great to me but when someone says no, that means stop pushing." He was very passionate about his topic, even though he wasn't entirely sure of what he was talking about. 

"You don't think it's weird that I didn't want to sleep with him even though we've been together for almost two years?" She asked slowly, eyes hopeful. Hanta was saying things that she agreed with, maybe he'd agree with her about this too. Most people that hear she's gone a year and a half without going further than a hand-job say that it means she's not actually interested in Shinsou. Korei was very interested in Shinsou, she just didn't feel comfortable enough to do that yet.

"Only you can decide when you want to sleep with someone, Saito, " Hanta nodded. "It doesn't matter if you've been together for two days, months, or even years. When you feel ready and when you find someone else who's ready, that's when it'll happen."

"Have you...found someone, Sero- kun?"

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