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my names amber, I'm a werewolf. and as if being an overgrown puppy wasn't enough, I am the rarest type of overgrown mutt. I am a white wolf.

My full name is Amber Rain but everyone calls me amber. White wolves are seen from many different points of view, most see us as a curse but some see us a heroes and some just see us a pets, toys, something to play with then ignore for the next who knows how long. White wolves are stronger than any other wolf and we are some of the fastest werewolves, but not always the fastest, but theres a downside, we can't swim fast and we definitely can not contact our entire pack. I can contact my big brother, Ryan but thats kinda it.

At school I'm one of the few outcasts, my best friend is a zeta runt so her opinion weighs nothing in our world, i mean i love her like a sister and all but i wish she was more powerful. I turn 17 in a week, too long by my standards but once I turn 17 i will know what position I hold in a pack, it goes, in order: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Warrior A, Warrior B, Warrior C, Zeta, Omega, Pup (not 17 yet). I get harassed at school by the same group of boys daily. Its the popular group. I wonder who my mate is, oh yeah another thing about white wolves is they have two mates, so lucky me... i have to find both my mates. My mum makes the best pork and noodle soup ever so excuse me if i go on a rant about it later in the story. thats about all i needed to cover so, lets get on with the story!

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