Chapter 15

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i refuse to publish what my brain was thinking so... imma do the after. The wolf is a new character, James who's wolf is called Red

ugh... I groaned, i can barely move, I hate these idiots. "Morning love" caleb had a cheeky grin on his face I groaned again and rolled over "fuck you" 'mum, im staying home today' why hon?

' sick?' no your not 'fine, storm is sick' I didnt have any clue how storm was, i hadnt checked on him since i got home yesterday when we left him to play in the paints. I slowly got up, shit 'Magic what is wrong with you...' i could almost hear her smirk you loved it, dont deny i ignored her comment. I got up to check on storm only to see Luke washing him off gently. i knocked on the door, he glanced up surprised "Oh, hey. the red and blue won't come off, hang on... nope, nor will the yellow. He's gonna be a rainbow pup for a little while" I chuckled and then yelped as i was wrapped in warm, muscular arms. Magic scented the air. Trees, dirt, cologne... caleb. "hey caleb, guys, i'm staying home today. My excuse is storm is sick" luke raised his eyebrow at me "really? you couldnt say you were sick? but if storm is 'so called sick' then I'm staying with you" Caleb nodded "same" i sighed "won't that look slightly suspicious? my dad was in the army for frick's sake. he raised Magic and I, he knows all of our stunts. The again... he can immediately tell what's wrong with me..." I trailed off and threw Caleb a playful but still annoyed glare. He laughed and i smelt my dad's scent getting closer, he smelt just like me. Salt, waterfalls, snow and wet rocks except there was always the faint smell of smoke on him. "whats so funny here?" he glanced at the rainbow puppy, luke up to his elbows in soapy water and bubbles and Caleb with his arms wrapped around me, he raised his eyebrow at me "right... i see both of it. welp you three-sorry four- have the day off. imma go tell your mother" i lunged out of calebs arms and jumped on his back trying to prevent him "dont you dare or i will make your life a living hell, me AND stormy will go back to basic baby behaviour... you know... peeing inside, drawing on walls, biting and loud wailing in the middle of the night" he froze and gasped dramatically "you have my word! i will never go through that again! worst years of my life" he laughed "hey! rude much" the boys in the back ground were just laughing too hard to reply or back me up I lightly slapped my dads head and let him go back downstairs.

I grabbed my phone and flopped onto my bed. I put my headphones on and blasted music as loud as possible while curling up around storm. just as I was drifting off I felt two large warm bodies snuggle up to me, I hummed and snuggled closer to them while holding storm to my chest. My sleep was filled with strange and terrifying dreams, after a particularly nasty one I woke up shaking, I felt warm hands rubbing circles on my back. Which one was it? I glanced around and saw storm half under the pillow so i rolled over to see Luke almost nose to nose with me. i kissed him and then slipped out of bed "I'm going for a walk, wanna come?" I whispered to him and he nodded. i grabbed a pair of tights and a sports bra "if you wanna get changed do it in here, I'm going in the bathroom". After I was changed I came out to see Luke in a plain pair of black shorts and no shirt, We shimmied down the willow tree and jogged into the forest, heading for the road. We came out in the middle of some random highway "here, scratch your claws into this tree so we can find it again, It leaves your scent without peeing on it." he let out his wolf claws and slashed them into a twisted pine tree. I could immediately smell his scent of mossy wood, dark damp caves and the sweet smell of caramel. His scent didn't blend like most wolves instead it created an extremely distinctive smell that i could probably recognise from miles away. I started to jog in any random direction, hang on... the sun sets in the west then.... umm I was heading south, so towards the river towns and packs. They were mainly friendly packs but you didn't want to get on the bad side of them as they had sharp teeth and extremely cunning revenge plans laid out for every possibility.

I reached the town and waited for Luke, when he finally arrived he was helping a ragged man stand, the man was gasping for breath and I could see his wolf was in control "Rainy, help, this man was attacked. His name is james do you have any of that healing cream on you?" I nodded, wide eyes and handed him the tube. the man shifted into his wolf and laid down on his side, I could tell that he could barely stand so I shifted and Howled long and loud for help and not long until 5 men were by our sides helping us take him to the nearest doctor. One of them smelt off, as in different but not in a good way yet not exactly in a really bad way. i nudged Luke "do you smell that?" he raised his nose into the air and then wrinkled it "yeah, that guy james, he was washed down and now I can smell him properly and he smells like summer sulfur pools, blood and burning rocks. i have only ever smelt anything like that on Rogues" I was confused "sure, he might be a rogue but he wasn't in any territories so not many would have attacked him. We need to get to the bottom of this as soon as we can" he nodded and we went into the room james was healing in.

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