Chapter 9

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"Hey, Caleb, Luke we're having a campfire night tonight and we would love it if you joined. There will be a few others if you would like to invite a friend." Ryan decided to open his mouth, Caleb shrugged "Sure, would it be okay if I stayed in the guestroom tonight?" He asked, but he seemed to be saying it genuinely which puzzled me. This time I spoke "Sure, I'll just let your dad know okay?" "Umm no its alright, he doesnt need to know" Caleb spoke quickly and looked down when he said it, was something wrong and I hadn't noticed. I lightly punched his arm, I felt a small tingle but I thought nothing of it "Sure, you can stay, its jus next to my room if anything goes wrong. You're dad won't know if you don't want it". When I punched him I noticed his body stiffen a bit but I wasn't surprised due to the amount of times I've struck fear into his mind when I go all Rogue-Alpha in front of him. He smiled genuinely at me, huh? "Thanks Amber. Luke you gonna come tonight?" he looked a bit uncomfortable "umm maybe not, we have school tomorrow so..." he trailed off and scratched the back of his neck, it was kinda NO! I do not need to think that. "I can't believe I'm gonna do this but.." I looked at him with my cutest puppy eyes, a soft lime green and wide pupils "pleeeaaaassseeeee stay" he sighed and looked at me "fine, only since those are the cutest puppy eyes ever" did he just compliment me? something is wrong with today, is this an AU where these boys are nice to me? if so why am I still snappy and sarcastic? oh well nevermind.

Later that night at the fire I picked up a piece of wood and with my wolf nails I carved today into it "look at this wood, see this? this is today. If it burns then none of today is ever repeated if it turns black then you can only repeat it to your closest inner circle who would never betray you." they nodded and Caleb smirked "so if it doesn't do either I can tell the world you're a big softie" I growled playfully "am not you ugly cow" he rolled his eyes and looked at Luke "see what I mean" I huffed "assholes" Luke cooed "awww is somebody sad at being called a softie" i pouted and nodded "so I should do it more?" I actually growled this time "don't try my patience" he put his hands up "Okay, okay you win" I tossed the wood into the fire, it immediately set aflame. I grinned, satisfied with my choice of wood "fine, nobody will know. I give you my word as an Alpha" Luke grumbled and shook my hand "I won't tell a soul. I swear on my pack and Life" he looked me dead in the eyes and I could tell he was 250% serious.

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