Chapter 11

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I couldnt remember much of last night until he came...

...Flash Back...

"And top story tonight is Abandoned werewolf puppy found by the side of the road. Nobody has claimed him so we are looking for a parent. Text the news station why you should have him and if you have a great reason he will be your tomorrow morning" I looked at my mum "Can we take him mum? he needs a family, look at him. I know we can provide for him better than anyone" My mum sighed "fine, you okay with it hon?" she asked my dad for his opinion "sure, but he stays with you at ALL times" I nodded eagerly

...Flash Back over...

The doorbell rang and I flew down the stairs, taking them 10 at a time. when I reached the bottom I heard a warrior saying "... But she's 17, she can't take care of a pup" now I was pissed, I stormed over and snarled at the warrior "yes I very well can take care of him. Your on night patrol for the next 3 weeks" he whined and scampered off. My face softened when I looked at his temporary caretaker "Be careful, he bites if he doesnt like you" I rolled my eyes "I'll be fine" I locked eyes with the pup, he was a gorgeous charcoal colour with electric turquoise eyes "Does he have a name?" she shook her head and held him out to me he bared his teeth at me so I bared my canines right back. he whined and put his head down, I cradled him in my arms and he started licking my arm "Imma call you Storm for your thundercloud coat and your electric temper" he sneezed and barked.

"aww hon hes adorable, I heard your conversation and storm suits him well. But love you have to take him to school with you, none of us can take care of him" I shrugged "No problem, today I have 3 PE lessons and I think a social class, a free period and... Art I can do all of that as a wolf, he will stay with me." I put him down and shifted, he immediately stuck close to me as I walked around the kitchen, when we got to the outside steps so i could get to school he stopped and yipped frustratedly, aww hes too small Magic forced control and wouldnt give it back, she gently picked him up and carried him until we got to our meeting spot where Mia was supposed to be, last night as soon as mum sent the message I informed Caleb, Luke and Mia, in that order. Mia cooed over him but when she tried to touch him magic snapped her jaws and it mias hand. Mia quickly withdrew and I glanced down, my eyes were one of my brown eyes and one of Magics green eyes. Magic nudged storm and started walking, he bounded along beside us.

Once I finally had control back I went into the school grounds, I saw Luke's usual group...but no luke. Dark came up beside me and I growled, startled. He nudged me playfully and I could feel Magic was soothed, he sniffed storm "Be careful, Magic will bite, she bit me" to my surprise she kept a close eye on him but didnt bite. I heard snickers and jeers "did the stupid freak get a puppy... so weak and soft" one of the boys kicked out at Storm but I pulled storm under neath me and growled, before Magic could even react Dark Leapt onto the boy's chest and pinned him to the ground with his jaws clamped on his throat. Dark was in full control, Forest pushed through the crowd and saw the basic outline of what happened, he reached under me and picked up storm in his jaws. Magic immediately felt relieved that he was protected while she prevented murder. I nudged his side repeatedly and pulled on his leg, finally he let go and gave Luke control back.

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