Chapter 6

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this is what their wolves look like: Amber-White, Caleb-Brown and Luke-Black

the final school bell went and I managed to find Caleb but I couldn't see Luke anywhere "hey, have you seen Luke anywhere" i asked Caleb but he shook his head "I thought you had last class with him" "Nah, I don't have math with him, he's in the class in between ours". We looked for him until the group cleared away when Caleb shouted for me, I saw him crouching near a wall, clutching his shoulder which looked like someone had attacked him "Holy shit man, what happened" Caleb cut the silence while all I could do was try not to look terrified, which by the way I was failing miserably . He winced as he stood up "I got into a fight with Jaxon, the warrior whose leg you snapped" he glanced at me "and then he shifted and bit into my shoulder before I could react and then ran off" My eyes glowed vibrant green and i snarled "where does that shit live, I'll teach him to mess with an alpha" they both took a step back "woah, woah, woah, calm down Amber as much as he does need to learn a lesson on respect you shouldnt be the one to teach him. He's in your pack tough so you should mention it to Alpha Gryff" I calmed down and nodded.

I started to head home "Through that forest?" came a voice behind me "yeah, come on. There are all sorts of nasties in here keep close to me, nobody knows this forest like me." Luke came up close to me on my left but not too close for me to growl while Caleb walked slightly behind me to my right. "left" we continued with just me saying directions for a while when I heard a twig snap "freeze and shift but dont move a muscle" they did as I asked and I carefully turned of the spot, fuck, bear, full grown male grizzly. "okay, slowly back up, I'm gonna shift now but dont attack unless he does" i shifted and stepped backwards, He roared on his hind legs and lunged for me. i ducked under his swing and closed my jaws over his other leg, there was loud agressive barking, trying to draw its attention off me. Caleb managed to get its attention, he was darting left and right biting at it but so far he wasn't getting close enough to the throat to make it leave. I barked loudly and sprinted at the bear head on, just as it turned to me I jumped over its head and sunk my jaws into the back of its throat. I held my mouth shut until I heard a low groan come from him. I jumped off and it lumbered off into the woods away from us.

We shifted back "is everyone okay?" i saw Luke clutching his shoulder again. "dont worry, I'll find a cream to put on that, it'll stop the bleeding" he nodded and we walked back home slowly "Rainy, whats wrong with your leg" I glanced at my leg surprised to see a gash on it "oh, oops i didnt notice um ill fix it later its nothing" luke glared at me "its not nothing and I will make sure you get it looked at if I have to shadow you for the entire weekend". I glanced at Caleb for help but he looked at me sternly "He's right Amber it needs to be looked at and at least bandaged"

Time skip to once theyre in her room

"Okay, so anyone got any ideas" I tapped the floor with my foot, "heres a great idea, lets go get your leg looked at" Caleb said sassily "ugh fine but dont you take that tone with me mister." he rolled his eyes, picked me up and carried me to the Pack doctor. once we reached the door he put me down "asshole, i can walk myself" i snapped at him but when i tried to walk I had to hold the door for support, which turned into luke and caleb carrying me. "tut, tut, tut what happened now, another cougar or maybe a forest wolf? or please tell me she didnt challenge someone" the doctor looked like he did this often "um it was a full grown male grizzly bear, she was trying to protect us but while you check her out could you bandage Lukes arm. he was attacked by a Warrior B class in your pack, Jaxon." The doctor didnt look surprised, he fussed over both of them cleaning any open skin "Luke, can I ask you to take your shirt off, I guarantee you Amber is too angry at me for cleaning her wound to star at you" Caleb glanced at me amusedly "I would never stare at the ugly mutt unless I was aiming a knife for his face" that made Caleb and I laugh, Doctor Hews glared at me over his half-moon glasses "Amber don't you go threatening Alpha's" i huffed "tomorrow I will be able to insult him all I frickin want"

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