Chapter 4

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the picture is caleb

I walked around the school until the bell rang for the next class, i hurriedly shifted back and sprinted for my science lab. Ugh, i have science with Caleb AND Luke, just great.... what next, english oh wait i do have english with them after, ugh i hate today. I didn't bother to grab my notebook from my bag so i just fished around in my pocket and grabbed some sticky notes. "Today class we will be starting a group project. The groups are mixed gender, three to a group oh and you're not choosing, it was random from a box." I also had science with mia so hopefully i could just go with her and some rando wolf. "... Mia, Jason, Tyler" aww dammit "Lucy, Jack, Ella and finally Amber, Luke, Caleb. Is everyone okay with their group?" I kicked the wall "no, can i please for the love of god be with a different group!" Mr Matthew looked slightly concerned "is there a reason for you not wanting to be in their group? they are both A grade students" i groaned and clenched all my muscles "they're both stupid, self absorbed, attantion loving pricks!" "Amber, I'm afraid thats not a reason, you will have to stay in their group." i growled "now, now dont you growl at me" I clenched my jaw and stifled a growl although I could feel my eyes changing colour. I slowly released tension in my muscles and did 3 deep breaths "my apologies Mr Matthew, I was just slightly furious. I will do my best not to growl at you again." he took note of how I said i will do my best, not I won't. "you really hate me snow puppy?" caleb cooed teasingly and poked my shoulder "piss off and do your work" I swatted his hand away. for most of the lesson it was all good but when it was down to the last 15 minutes it started getting annoying again "you know, if you hate me so much you could just break my neck like you broke Tylers arm" Luke teased, Caleb smirked "or you could just get some wolfsbane and drop in in my energy drink, because you know, that weakens us and I actually play sport because im not lazy" i growled lowly in the back of my throat but this seemed to just make them want to harass me more "leave me alone or i will take the suggestions to hand" i stated forcefully before fussing with a silver wolf charm on my necklace. Silver doesnt affect me like it would other werewolves so, it was good to have on hand. Calebs eyes widened horrified "what are you doing with silver! you could injure someone!" i raised an eyebrow "isnt that the point of having it on hand?" he shook his head and scribbled something in his book. Luke had already finished so he was just reading.

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