Chapter 2

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The picture is Luke. Dont amber and luke look made for each other!!! omg I'm fangirling over my own story lol whats wrong with me.🤣

As soon as I got through the gates, "Hey Rainy! come here" He didn't even give me a chance to move before I was surrounded "wow, so considerate of my personal space." I muttered sarcastically , he looked mock offended and grinned "you know, it was my birthday yesterday. Guess what rank I am" I looked him up and down "hmmm...proud posture, commanding tone, your cronies obey without hesitation, you've gotta be an Alpha, right?" he grinned "damn right, I am. But I heard white wolves were supposed to be big, wanna shift and compare?" he nudged me "umm, no thanks, I try to avoid shifting so why would I do it for you?" "you don't get to say no, shift" he barked the command at me and for some reason it didn't affect me at all, maybe because we were in different packs. Some of the other wolves started pushing into me, it just turned into a game of pushing me around and Luke just stood there watching me, until I was pushed into him "woah there, dont fall on me. feel free to shift though" and he grabbed my wrist roughly and a burning sensation swept my body before he shifted and then I shifted, without meaning to. god, wheres mia when you need her. I immediately crouched down to show submission as I was surrounded now by Warrior A and B class wolves. I had never seen Luke shift so I was half surprised when a big black Alpha wolf stepped in front of me and nudged me roughly until i was pushed onto my side, he kept pushing me until I was sick of it. I jumped up and snapped my jaws directly into what was in front of me, which just so happened to be one of the warriors legs. There was a sickening crunch and my jaws snapped his leg clean in two. I stood tall, hackles raised snarling, i would probably regret this but I challenged the Alpha. All other Alphas would have felt this challenge so soon we had a larger circle surrounding us.  It was huge black Alpha wolf versus almost same size unranked White wolf. just before I lunged a calming presence stepped in between, an omega had stopped the fight. I looked at the wolf to realise it was my brother 'Ryan, what are you doing here?'  'You need to work on not sending out anger waves, i could feel you fury from the mall which may I remind you, is on the other side of town'

I calmed myself down and shifted back, grabbing my bag "I'm fine now Ryan, thanks though" I walked off, my head held high. I had just challenged and Alpha and walked away unscathed.

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