Chapter 12

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the picture is Magic and Storm with opposite colours

A mothers Love is everything when your little, you need it to survive. Poor storm never had motherly love so it was up to me to show him how to survive and to protect him. First up I had double PE so I padded softly over to the back oval, I glanced next to me and saw Dark following me. yeah i had PE with him but 'we dont need a body guard, right Magic?' I like it, hes cute. He is our mate so maybe you should embrace it. I growled inwardly 'whatever' Magic decided that I wasn't doing well enough so she forced control 'No Magic, stop it I need control here, its the middle of school' she just ignored me, that mutt is gonna regret this. She/I nudged Dark and she bushed up closer to him, I could tell Dark was all for it but Luke was internally freaking out. "Amber, shift back now, you too Luke. You should be in human form for school." The teacher sounded so bossy, I bared my teeth and storm his under me, she and most of the class gasped "You have a pup? I apologise, so what you wish with your form but please still participate in lessons" she turned away from me and kinda ignored Dark, who by the way stayed as a wolf, "Now class, I know that most of you will have questions for Amber and probably want to play with her pup but a mother wolf will rip you to shreds if she doesnt fully trust you or your wolf so stay away from them" she glanced at Luke who was nudging storm to be brave "that includes luke" The class grumbled and complained but I growled reinforcing the message, storm yipped and jumped up, biting my face. I lowered myself to the ground and let him pull on my ears, cheeks, muzzle, neck and chest but he bit a sensitive spot on my face and I reacted without thinking I growled loudly and pushed him off, he whined and slowly crawled back to lick my face. I nuzzled him and licked him, I didn't mean to hurt him. "Alright class, today we're starting a Dance unit, to be specific partner dancing. Pick a partner" I saw some girls try to come over to Dark, Magic took control, I picked up storm and walked over. I plopped myself on the grass and let go of storm, I growled warningly and they scattered. Dark and storm started to play tug of war with a rope that came from i dunno where. storm shook his head, twisted and turned until he finally pulled it out of Luke's jaws. "Listen up class, I want you to waltz first off, I believe you already know how from your dance unit a few years ago" I shifted back, Lucky I decided to change into some decent clothes this morning, Luke shifted back too "Can you dance Rainy" I snorted "Obviously, its you I'm worried about" he lightly punched my stomach and I felt tingly again. The music started up at a slow beat Storm started to yip frustratedly around my legs, i picked him up and put him on my shoulders, he curled himself around my neck while we danced a slow, graceful waltz.

For the two PE lessons we danced as a wolf and a human but when the lunch bell rang I shifted straight into a wolf form and picked storm up, I tried to use my nose to scent mia but storms smell was too strong so I put him down and started walking,nose in the air trying to find my Zeta in a crowd of wolves. I heard a small yelp beside me and I saw an ugly reddish wolf grab storm. he glanced at me and ran, ooooh this wolf really wanted to die. I took off after the wolf barking angrily soon I was joined by Forest and Dark. They pulled ahead of my and slammed him into the ground. he yelped and dropped storm, I rushed over and licked him. I dug a small hole and placed him in it. I then walked over to where Dark and the... ROGUE! WHAT IS A ROGUE DOING IN THE SCHOOL GROUNDS! I started to bark and snarl angrily as the two wolves fought. 

Dark looked like he wasn't doing amazing so i lunged in there and bit into the rogues leg, shattering the bone

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Dark looked like he wasn't doing amazing so i lunged in there and bit into the rogues leg, shattering the bone. He yelped and whined, laying on the ground, Forest went over to where I left storm and brought him back to me, I nudged storm and encouraged him to bite the rogue, he sunk his teeth into the sensitive spot behind every wolf's ear. He bit down as hard as he could and shook his head back and forth making the rogue yelp and cry in pain. Forest had shifted back and Caleb smiled and stroked storm who immediately stopped and went over for snuggles, he stood on his back legs and begged to be picked up. Luke chuckled and Caleb picked him up...wait, when did Luke shift back? eh i dunno nor do i really care. Caleb gently threw storm in the air and caught him again, storms electric turquoise eyes changed to a pretty forest green, like the flecks in my eyes, aww that must be his human eye colour, oh shit dont let him change now. I barked at him and his eyes went back to their wolf colour and he squirmed, flicking his tongue in and out trying to get to me. Caleb laughed and put him down on my shoulders, and the first thing he did was chew on the loose skin between my shoulder blades, I yipped happily and he licked my ears. I love my pup with all, actually almost all of my heart, the rest of it went to my mum, Mia, my dad, luke and Caleb we love them all so much dont we Amber 'of course, they are  likeour family, actually, they are our family'.

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