Chapter 16

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this is a time skip to when Storm is 6. basically two years later. They are out of school and Caleb took over his dad's pack while Alpha Gryff handed the alpha position to Luke and Amber so they are now Alpha and Luna of the DarkShade pack.

Rogues were pouring out of everywhere! "LUKE! STORM!" I screamed out for my mate, I saw the RedMoon pack attack the rogues with caleb at the lead "STORM!" i was screaming frantically for my puppy, A large rogue jumped on me and before I could react he was dead, I saw James, well i think it was his wolf red, and my father with jaws around his neck. I heard a deafening scream, but it was in my head, MUM I bolted towards her scent, she always smelt like lilies and roses. I saw her. dead. Rogues were dripping in blood, I threw myself at them in a frenzy, i killed 8 of 9 before backup was called and they secured me and basically i was kidnapped in the middle of a horrifying war. NO HELP!!! MUM, DAD calebs cries rang through my head like glass shattering. I felt my mother, calebs mother, his father, his beta, his omega, his gamma and more than half his pack die. I was distraught. "heh, the stupid slut is crying." I large, rough looking rogue slapped my butt, I snarled HE DID FUCKING NOT! 'Magic! help me!'  I could feel her crying out to me but she couldnt help me Amber I cant! they did something! the metal!. I glanced at the handcuffs securing me and saw titanuim, fuck a white wolf's only thing stopping them from shifting. I sat quietly and let them drag me down into a dungeon. I saw multiple other wolves there they looked like they had just given up.

Lukes POV

AMBER!! I let loose a harsh piercing cry of despair as i felt her move out of range. An uncontrollable wave of grief, loneliness, anger and despair shot through me but it wasnt my own. i saw a half wolf child on the ground, he had the forest green eyes Amber told me about and his fur was light grey on his ears and tail, just like storm. Storm had gone from dark charcoal grey to light silvery grey. Storm, I was now sure it was storm, let out a wild, harsh cry of despair. He looked at me and a tear slipped down his cheek. "Storm" I sounded broken, he looked at me and I knew he understood what i wanted to do. We shifted and ran off into the forest.

I spent a week searching before I had to return. "SEND A SEARCH PARTY! SHE IS MY LUNA!" I was screaming desperately at Alpha Gryff who had resumed command after Amber was taken. "I'm sorry Luke, we don't have enough warriors." with his blunt statement he dismissed me. I ran to the RedMoon pack house and burst through the door "Caleb! our mate needs us and you stand behind these doors like the fucking coward you are!" i was shouting angrily as tears streamed down my face, Caleb looked equally stricken "MY PACK IS ALMOST EXTINCT I LOST MY FAMILY, MY BETA, GAMMA, OMEGA AND MORE THAN HALF MY WARRIORS! YOU EXPECT ME TO RUN AROUND AIMLESSLY TO HELP YOUR GIRLFRIEND! I will not help you" he said the last part so calmly I almost missed it, i stared at him heartbroken "she's your mate too, help me, help us. we are mates." i whispered in a completely broken voice. A furious child slammed the doors open and started to thump caleb, i could tell it was storm. I was fearful for storms life, but no matter how hard he hit and im sure storm broke a few of his bones, he never retaliated "kill me now, save me the pain" Caleb sounded almost as broken as I did but I knew Storm was worse than all of us, constant pains streaked through me and I knew I was barely feeling what he was. He frequently woke up screaming, or most night he didnt sleep. this boy was 6 years old, he had been abandoned and finally got a mother who took care of him and gave him so much love then to have it ripped away from you in a moment, he was broken beyond my repair. I turned on my heel and fled, the pup keeping stride with my swift pace.

Random POV1

They were like demons, two wolves appeared on the edge of our terf and just stayed around there. A big black wolf and a younger almost white-silver wolf. The pup often hunted inside our territory but We learnt our lesson after trying to chase him off, he severed a few limbs from some pretty powerful warriors and The black one, his father i believe, killed a few of us. He did it so quickly and didnt look the slightest bit remorseful. he wasn't a rogue, I could smell a pack on him but he smelt so bad, like he hadnt washed in weeks and rolled in garbage daily. the pup smelt so fresh, he smelt like pine trees, winters breeze and a soft salty iron ozone tang finished it off. This pup was high up, I had never smelled a wolf with a winter smell or even something to do with the ocean. The pup soon grew to full size and he was a proud wolf, he had silver markings but was otherwise a gorgeous white wolf.

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