Chapter 19

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I tried to stop him but mum pulled me backwards and we had to run otherwise we risked injury. as soon as we were out I collapsed to my knees, crying. I started to run, I wasn't even going anywhere, just running. As soon as I saw town I turned onto the open road and ran harder. I heard paw steps behind me and I smelt the familiar scent of caramel and then another set of steps joined, I smelt Caleb's cologne. No, not another person. Nobody else should be dying for us.

Magic POV

I could feel the raging storm of emotions in storm but we needed to get far away. I shifted to wolf form, amber was still processing things so there was no resistance. I whined a bit and tried to stretch but it felt too painful. I nudged storm and he shifted too, Dark rubbed his head against my neck and Forest  laid his head on my back. My tail wagged slightly and Forest licked my ears, I moved over to where Storm was and snuggled up to him. My poor pup.

Snow started to fall and I barked, we had to get off the open road before winter set in otherwise we could starve. Storm shook me off and trotted off, he was heading for the River pack territory with purpose and determination in his stride. We passed three towns already and Storm showed no sign of slowing, we were now heading through town number four by the river. Storm started to slow and I saw his eyes flickering, Ash was struggling to reach the surface, I heard the familiar crackle of a shift behind me and I saw Luke and Caleb in human form "I need to get back to my pack Magic, we need to go back" Caleb pleaded me and he was right. Our pack needed us right now but I wanted to be with my son everywhere he went and I think Caleb could see that in my eyes "Magi, let his father go with him. They would do anything for each other and if anything happened you would be the first to know" there was a light thud and Ash was back, he was curled up in a ball near us freezing in the snow. I had to remind myself he was only 10 years old while we were 22 "Hey, ashy I have to go back to my pack. I'll leave Dark with you but me and Caleb need to go home. My pack needs me otherwise chaos could descend" he looked at me with solemn, jaded, weary eyes and nodded. "go on mum, they need you. I have something I need to do then i will be home but I could take a long time, don't wait for me. I love you." I tackled him into a warm hug "you will always be my little stormy. I will ALWAYS wait for you pup" he shivered slightly in the cold and nuzzled into my neck, I guess I was warm.

As we walked off my last thought before my brain went fuzzy was 'Why couldn't I take my pup with me? he needs warmth, warmth he wont get from just one wolf'

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