Chapter 14

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Magic was struggling to get out, she seemed frantic and furious someone is hurting our mate LET ME OUT YOU STUPID HUMAN I gave her full control and she shifted, grabbed storm and sprinted towards dark's scent. 

***Magic's POV(it gets hard trying to show the different states of mind)***

I ran as fast as i could, as soon as I could hear him snapping and yelping I dug a small hole for storm and he jumped into it. I shifted into human form and took my silver necklace off, it had a knife sharp edge so it was very useful dealing with bullies. I snarled and let out my ears and tail, I knew my eyes were glowing electric green "get away from my mate" my voice sounded rough and to be honest, from their point of view i would have been terrified. A wolf shifted back to human and he had a cocky smirk plastered on his face "What you gonna do? slap me" he laughed "I declare and Alpha's challenge, I win you better run before you're dead. you win and you can take me but leave my mate alone." he shrugged "Go on princess, give it your best shot" i grinned evilly "stay human, i don't need to go to jail for murder" he laughed and threw a punch, but it was wide. i stepped in close and slashed the silver across his ribs then stepped back and threw a series of punches left hook, jab, straight, right hook, duck, kick, uppercut, left hook, jab, straight, straight, jab, kick. I'm sick of this.

I shifted and Lunged, i bit into every place possible, his shoulder, legs, arms, ribs, stomach, hands I saw silver flash and my own necklace slashed my shoulder. HOW DARE HE USE MY WEAPON AGAINST ME, i went straight for his throat and broke it easily. I shifted back "Anyone else?" a rogue stepped forward "I will kill you girl, you murdered my brother!" he screamed at me, oops. Amber will be so pissed. He shifted and tackled me to the ground, but before i could register anything Forest lunged over my head and brought the rogue crashing down. they snapped and snarled, rolling around. he tried to circle and get to me but forest blocked his every move. I love that wolf right now, but hang on... how did he know what was happening, sure alpha challenge but he shouldn't have known where we were.

***Back to Ambers POV***

shit, i killed someone i couldnt cry now as i still was in wolf form and Magic had control 'Magi, we killed someone, magic! listen to me!' i screamed at her through our link. she ignored me. we heard a groan and screw the rogues around, Magic gave me control and I shifted to human and I rushed to where I saw Luke slowly getting up. His injuries were healing themselves, i threw myself at him  "dont ever do that again" i whispered into his neck, he slowly stood up and helped me stand too "Where's Stormy?" I jerked my head to a small hole in the ground "Hidden until its safe" he nodded, I felt Magic talking to dark, i listened in but then quickly regretted it "your wolf is so horny, Magic too but dont listen to their conversation. Their talking too dirty for my innocent soul."  Luke gagged "ugh horny teenage wolves, right?" I laughed and heard a yelp. i saw my dad handcuffing a whole bunch of them and Caleb kneeling in the dirt, he looked pretty injured. I snuggled into lukes chest and then raced over to Calebs side, I hugged him tightly "are you okay? " he didnt respond at first but then he slowly hugged me back and I knew we both felt it, sparks shot down pur spines. he pulled away awkwardly "so..." he trailed off, i rolled my eyes and magic jumped in joy "dont be so awkward" I snuggled into his chest "where did Luke go?" I glanced around then checked on magic's conversation...nope, forever scarred... "they're alright, he has storm and hes going back to my pack house to clean his wounds. he cant go back to his place because of storm" Caleb nodded "I am mentally scarred from eavsdropping on their convo" Caleb- wait no- forest grinned and whispered something in my ear, shivers went down my spine and you have no clue how turned on Magic was, lucky i didnt listen. magic forced control and whispered something back in his ear IM NOT EVEN GONNA SAY IT, I AM FOREVER SCARRED HELP ME. Forest pulled me into a slow kiss and pulled me tight to his chest "I will never let them get you again, you, Luke and storm will always be safe in my arms" magic purred-wait what? well the wolf equivalent of purring and cuddled close to him. I love my mates so much.

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