Chapter 18

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Magic up above, after her imprisonment

I was pacing around the forest when I heard footsteps behind me, I spun and saw a huge brown wolf, same size as me. Caleb. He froze and started to back up but I lunged and pinned him to the ground. I slammed my conscience against his mental wall breaking through easily shift I commanded him and then got off him. He shook his coat out and then shifted, I did the same. "Caleb" I spat he glanced down "stormy, how..." he was lost for words "If you were speaking to storm you would be dead, no, my name is Ash." He looked at me with recognition "I'm sorry. after... the episode... Forest hasnt talked to me nor have I been wolf in four years. I smelt your scent and a faint trace of Luke" I  growled and he flinched "Dark and I have been wolves for four years. Luke hasn't come out since I attacked you" my voice cracked "I'm 10 years old and I have been through an early inheritance! do you know how much pain you have to be in to cause that! I am someone to fear in these forests, wild wolves give me half their kill. I can hunt any animal I want and even the alpha of the pack we live next to fears me. You don't have the right to say sorry, don't even" I snapped at him he was in tears "I am sorry, really. My pack cast me out when they found out I rejected my mate" that explains the smell of blood.

I paced around "If I bring you back to my den you will apologise to him, accept him and tomorrow morning come with us to find mum. You may be one of my guardian but Dark will always be my father." he nodded solemnly. I took him back, making sure I took a circuitous route so he wouldn't be able to find it again if he tried. Once I arrived Dark slowly came out and I saw his eyes go from their dark, shaded brown to the same golden brown on Lukes, He shifted and cried "Why did you come back, you betrayed me. The only thing that kept me going was that you didn't reject Amber or your pup" They were both in tears "I'm sorry, I want you back, I never meant for any of it! Spark, Ambers dad, his human form retreated too and every day he has beat the living daylights out of me, please if you will have me, I want you back!" Luke shifted but retained control and leapt into Caleb- no- Forests arms and snuggled up to him. Forest shifted to wolf and they snuggled up together come here pup, i hesitated before adhering to Forests request. Caleb might not be family but Forest always would. I snuggled up to them, draping my body elegantly over Dark and resting my chin on Forest's shoulder.

 The next morning I was woken by a loud yawn from Dark and Forest. I grumbled a bit then got up and greeted the warriors who were making their way to us as we yawned. I nodded my head and shifted "This is the idiot I spoke about who rejected Dark. They have made up now though, but... if he messes up feel free to give him a good thump" Forest shifted and gave Caleb control "uhh, I would rather not be beaten..." I glared at him "Shut up and move" We turned back to wolves and I trotted off with my nose to the ground, I could smell several traps, why were these here? I grabbed a branch in my mouth and dropped it onto a trap. It snapped up with a loud shattering noise and a pit was revealed. I glanced at the others and projected my thoughts looks like were going in they groaned but still followed my lead. I carefully let myself tumble into the pit with the others following close behind me. A gas immediately filled the air, I saw the others coughing. Wolfsbane. It didn't have as much of an effect but my wolf would only be as strong as a Warrior A class instead of Alpha white wolf. I shifted back to human so they wouldn't know I was still powerful, the others were forced by the gas to turn human again, except I saw Caleb wrap his jumper around Darks nose so he was safe. A few hours of waiting and testing each other with riddles and A large rogue came out of a passage in the wall and smiled evilly "So, mates protecting each other?" he pointed a blow gun at Dark and I don't know what came over me but I bared my canines and stepped in front of them both, he chuckled "So are you their other mate or are you just dumb?" He shot at me but I shifted just in time and Caleb ducked so the silver bullet shattered against the rock wall. He snarled and a whole heap of rogues tied us all up with ropes lined with silver, too bad the only metal to hurt me was Titanium.

About an hour passed by of walking through tunnels and we finally stopped in a large room "The bars are silver and if you try to escape the room will fill with wolfsbane gas, so dont even try" he shoved us in the cell and I noticed two people there already. One was a guy, maybe 18? and the other was a girl curled up tight in a corner. I couldn't see her face but I knew she was pretty just from the way her hair wasn't crazy tangled and her clothes fit against her lean, athletic body. The rogues left and I immediately started to calm down my group "okay people! calm down, we will get out of here, You won't be able to contact your pack so while you're here, I am your Alpha. Listen to me and follow instructions, I will get you all out of here" I summoned my strength and pulled at the bars, i hear a gasp behind me "You're a white wolf?" I saw the girl was turned around, she was barely recognisable but I knew those amber eyes, well one was amber the other was electric green. "mum?" i whispered hoarsely, her eyes widened and she rushed to my side "oh stormy, you've grown so much" I snuggled up to her "Dad and Caleb are here too" she turned and glared at Caleb "You idiot! I know what you did, I felt the link snap! How could you ever do that to your mate!" she raged at him "Magic hasn't spoken to me for four years!" I coughed slightly "mum, are you sure" she nodded "Forest hasn't spoken to Caleb in four years until last night when I had them make up. meanwhile Dark and I have been wolves for four years, I could still use both sides of me but dad was trapped as Dark". "You have your human side? what's your name hon?" I smiled at her "Ash, I decided on that name 3 days ago. If you disagree you will have to just suck it up Magic" I knew if anyone was to reject it, it would be Magic not Amber. Her eyes glowed entirely green and she shifted, I followed suit. She rushed up to me and I could immediately sense her love for me and her feelings, mum?  'yes Ash?' How are we in each others mind? we didnt link. 'its a white wolf thing' I barked and she understood my meaning, we both lunged at the same bar leaving a formidable dent "Everyone cover your noses with as much cloth as you can!" all the guys stripped of their shirts and jackets, those who had a jacket tore them into two and gave the two who didnt have  a jacket, half. Everyone covered their noses and nodded that they were prepared. Mum and I grabbed the bars and pushed as hard as we could on the dent, straining all our muscles. Finally the bar gave way and I slipped out and pressed the release button. They rushed out and we got as far as we could, until the wolfsbane no longer permeated the air. A rush of laughter broke the silence and I saw the male who was in the cage with mum smiling "I never thought I would get out, but I thank you both." he laughed happily again "The white wolves live! White wolves have been most sacred to my village in a long time. I have taught your mother all I can, now go. let me handle these stupid mutts" i realised he was human as he picked up a gun and loaded it with metal bullets and stuffed the areas around the bullets with crushed wolfsbane powder.

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