Chapter 17

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random wolf POV2

They looked so pained and haunted, underneath the awful smells coming from the black one I could smell caramel and some other smells that oddly didn't blend. The white wolf smelt like he had his own pack but the black smelt like he had run off, I felt a small bit of pity for them despite losing half my left arm to the white one when he was young. Finally I gathered up the courage to approach their den, i kept my head low and only then did I notice their alpha musk. that is how an alpha marks their terf, their scents mingled to create a refreshing smell that made me feel alive. I slowly crawled towards them and then realised, of course! its heat season! any unmated alpha or alpha without a mate for too long will produce a smell to mark their territory, lower rank wolves would easily fall prey to the smell. But hang on... the only full grown, or over age wolf here was the black one, huh? the white one must have gone through an early inheritance.

 The white wolf touched my muzzle then walked outside and shifted into a 10 year old boy. I shifted back "greetings, young one. What are you and your...friend doing out here for so long" A pained expression crossed his face and when he spoke it was commanding, like everything was listening to him "MY father and I have many secrets, I shall not reveal that one. What is your name?" I hesitated then decided he couldnt be that bad, despite losing half my arm to him when he was 6. "I shall not reveal my human name, instead you can call me Soul. My wolf name." he nodded, his eyes looked worn and jaded, like he had experienced so much pain in so little time, i guess he had. "You may call me Nix. That is not my human or wolf name so dont go looking for who I am. I will answer a few of your questions, bring your alpha to my den" he shifted and walked back into his den. I hurried to contact my alpha.

Storms POV

sooner or later I will have to tell the alpha my situation, may as well be now. Dark was an empty shadow of what he used to be, he didnt even use words to communicate, instead using emotions and pictures. I hadn't linked him for over a year now but, oof here we go, he might not even respond with words dad? we're meeting with an alpha really soon, could you shift back and speak with me? I felt faint acknowledgement from him and he shifted back, so I did too.

"I'm sorry stormy, you havent even got a name yet" he laughed harshly, it sounded pained. He smiled softly at me and his features softened and I saw back to when it was four of us just carefree and chilling. without meaning too I smiled back "I will try stormy, just for you. I'm so sorry" I hugged him "It's okay Dark, you didn't do anything wrong. I've taken a liking to the name Ash if thats okay with you?" he hugged me "of course, Ash" I knew Luke was hidden somewhere at the back of Dark's mind but he probably would never come back, or at least not for a very long time. I hear footsteps and I turned calmly "Soul, meet my father, Dark. Dad, meet soul and I believe... Alpha Leif?" The Alpha nodded "I have been informed of your conversation with... Soul" he seemed uncertain with only using wolf names. I sighed "If you are all okay with it we can use human names. I have only just been properly named so I couldnt use it before and I was NOT going to reveal my identity. My name is Ash, my father will stay as Dark, introduce yourselves"

Alpha Leif's POV

This kid was tough, I could smell his Alpha musk and his usual smell, he was one different wolf... "My name as you know is Leif and this is Alf, one of my top soldiers" I gave the kid- sorry- Ash a small glare, he noticed it and lifted his lip, baring his canines. "Dark, I believe I have met you before, although what happened to you? you're barely a shadow of your former glory." I felt pity for the man, he had a rugged, small beard and his eyes looked haunted, he gave off such a painful vibe I wanted to run in the other direction, he started to speak and his voice was rough, I guess he hadn't used it in four years but it was so sad to hear "they're gone. Stolen and Rejected." his voice cracked in pain, so he must have been... SHIT! he was the submissive mate to the white wolf Amber, she disappeared four years ago, not long after her Dark and he pup did too. "Alpha Dark, Ash. I know who you are but not your entire story, if you wish privacy I will not tell anyone else but I request to share both your identities with Alf." Ash or storm, I couldnt tell if he was boy or wolf, glanced at his father in surprise "You may, I will share full deatilsw of my story, but I request permission to do it with emotions and pictures through a link" I nodded "How will we link though? we are not pack or family." Ash looked at me with an amused smirk "Thats my job. White wolves can link with anyone." I felt an intruding presence in my mind, I let it in and suddenly felt the tortured conscience of dark and storm. Storm shied away and hid his emotions, then Alf joined the link. Pictures and words flashed through my head and screams pierced my ears. I fell to my knees when such despair and pain ripped through the link. It suddenly tripled and I looked at Storm who had tears streaking down his face and Dark was curled in a ball crying his heart out but it kept coming at me until it suddenly stopped, it felt empty and a memory slowly burnt itself into my brain, his mate, both their dominant refused to come and look for his mate, rejecting Luke while saying it, storm rushing in and beating the total shit out of Caleb. it stopped and dark withdrew, he was now a wolf again. I could feel my wolf being drawn to the scent. I shook my head, stop it. Ash/Storm looked at me "He rejected his mates, he turned his back on me. Now you know our story, is there anything unclarified?" I looked at him wide eyes "No, I understand. Would you like warriors to help you look for her? But he rejected Luke, not Amber. He must still care somewhere deep down." Ash, for now I was sure it was ash, glanced at his feet "please, may we borrow a few experienced warriors" I gave him permission to command my top three warriors. Alf, Kai and Scott.

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