Chapter 8

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the picture is mia's wolf

"Last night you were savage, how many people got injured?" Luke asked me with an amused voice "oh yeah, so many people, the world is about to end" i snapped sarcastically, Caleb growled and i backed down a bit "you're definitely the submissive with whoever your mate is but same with luke" Caleb commented after seeing the flare in my eyes die down a bit "Oh and I suppose your a Dominant?" i snapped at him, he squared his shoulders "I am actually-" he noticed my eyes starting to glow "hey, mia! do you wanna go on a walk with us through the woods. we need to calm Amber down" Mia jogged over "sure, but remember I'm only a Zeta and you guys are all Alphas so I can't fight if need be" he shrugged "we can protect you lets go" They all shifted and looked at me, I sighed and shifted too.

We ran at a light pace until we got to the woods then we slowed down to a trot. A howl sounded and Luke and I unconsciously moved a bit closer to Caleb while Mia was stuck to my like my shadow. I really wanted to pack link these guys but I couldn't or could I? I tried to force a link and it worked:





Guys we're now on no mans land. Any forest pack or river pack could attack us now

Amber? how are you in my head

Rainy? how did you link us

'its a white wolf thing isnt it?'

I nodded at them and stepped lightly guys spread out, have a sniff around I'll leave the link open

They nodded and spread out, even Mia. Barely two minutes later I felt stress and pain through the link and someone yelped. I heard the thud of the others running to the noise, I skidded to a stop to see some big reddish gray wolves surrounding mia. I leapt over them and pushed mia to the ground just as their alpha snapped his jaws where her head was but my chest was, his teeth sliced through my fur and into my skin leaving blood to soak the rest of my fur. Mia pressed herself under me and whined. Loud barking and growling from Luke and Caleb drew 4 more of the rogues or wild pack away. I trusted them to handle it. One of the other wolves tried to duck under me to get Mia but I snapped my jaw shut on his throat until he stopped moving, I repeated the process until it was just me and the Alpha. I snarled and circled around to his right and lunged for his ear but he pulled a me move and ducked under me and sunk his teeth on my stomach, I felt a sharp tug before the world was spinning and dark.

When I woke up I was in my bed, it was pitch black outside, my lamp was on, caleb luke and ryan were in my room AAAANNNNNDDDDD there were bandages all across my ribs and stomach. "ugh what the fuck happened" i groaned and tried to sit up, shit that hurt but I put on a brave face and looked at the boys who were looking so relieved "oh my god, Alpha Gryff came in time since mia sent for him but you were lucky or you would have been dead. I can see the pain in your eyes, please dont hide it, Ryan told us everything from start to finish" I glanced at him you didnt...  dont worry, not about your crush lil sis thats safe with me...for now. I glared at him and if looks could kill, he would be a squishy blob on the floor with no actual bone structure or blood in his body.

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