Chapter 3

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the picture is Ryan

ugh first class of the day was maths, well at least I was in the bottom class for it. I flopped into my normal seat and half the class was staring at me "what are you fags looking at, you wanna be next?" I snarled, they quickly buried their heads in their own work "stupid overgrown mutts" I mumbled, I was just zoning out of the teachers talking until she snapped me out of it "Amber have you done the questions?" I glanced at them and scoffed "that's easy" I scribbled down the answers with a flick of my wrist "okay, so Amber, if they're so easy why don't you write an equation that you find at least mildly challenging" I could tell she was humouring me but I still grabbed the chalk and wrote down an extremely complicated equation "good enough miss? now since your the teacher solve it" "don't speak to me like that, detent-" "nope" she sighed "fine, I'll try solve the equation" she studied it and it was clear to me that she wouldn't be able to solve it "I don't know the answer, Amber would you care to attempt it" I gave the equation a few glances and scribbled down a few symbols and numbers "done" the class was in shocked silence. "Okay, calm down ladies, its not that special to be smarter than a dung beetle and maggots" The teacher look mad, oh well "detent-" "nope" there were a few protests from the boys in the room "I dont see any boys do you Maisy?" she giggled and shook her head "I rest my case" and with my final statement I marched out of the room.

I shifted and jumped up onto the big garbage bins at the back of the block and from there onto the roof. I just lay there in the sun, i heard a noise and my ears shot up and I carefully crept towards it, only to see Luke in wolf form sunning himself above his math classroom, ugh lame little cow, that's my thing. I decided to startle hi so I padded up to him and gave him a rough shove. he just groaned and shifted away from me, i gave up and hopped off the roof.

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