Chapter 13

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After our eventful recess and part of maths I shifted into my human form and carried storm in my arms. he already bit four people on the way to social studies when they tried to pet him. I praised him and stroked his back. "Morning amber, I though you were going to be a wolf for all of today?" my nose twitched "there was an...incident so now i wish to keep storm as close to me as possible so i will carry him until I can be sure its safe." she nodded at me "well today's lesson I would like everyone in their wolf form so Amber could you be a wolf? i will lock the door and shut the window" I huffed "fine, but I'm warning you all touch my pup and you will be dead in no time. i will rip out your guts and shove them down your throat then I will tear apart your limbs and shred your skin with them. got it?" i smiled sweetly, the class nodded fearfully and miss harvey pretended she didn't hear me "alright, wolf forms people. Luke, what are you doing here?" he glanced at the ground "Dark told me I should be here and Principal Mitchell told me since storm and Magic like me i will be in all her classes until storm can stay at home by himself" Magic took control and we shifted, she picked up storm and ran over to him jumping and wagging her tail, the teacher laughed "I see what you mean" storm squirmed out of my grasp and was jumping and yipping around luke-no Dark's legs. Dark shifted into wolf form and nuzzled storm. "Today class we're learning about mate relationships. Your wolf will instinctively want to be around the other and the others wolf will have strong feelings towards the other, intentional or not. When you find your mate one of you will feel a spark or electric current run down their spine and the other will gain inexplicable feelings for the other. Since I believe we only have wolves from two pack in the room we are going to try an experiment. I want wolves from a different pack to pair up and have a muck around for a while, let your wolf guide your every action, i will be able to tell if your holding back" I could tell everyone was letting loose, many eyes changed and the air felt thicker, I knew some people had nasty wolves compared their decent personality. a few students wolves padded over to another wolf and they started to play around but others just looked bored. Magic jumped up and started to chew on darks ear and loose skin. he growled playfully and tackled me, I squirmed around and kicked under his stomach so he was pushed off me. we just played and tackled for a while but soon enough storm wanted to play, Magic nudged Dark and stepped back, he nudged her forward and they laid down next to each other snuggled up with storm in between them. I noticed the teacher look at us, like we were so cute I wanted to run off and hide forever but magic didn't give a fuck and she just licked Dark on the nose. He snuggled up to us. "I believe we've found a couple?" the teacher looked at us and while I had no control Magic snuggled closer, 'MAGIC YOU JUST BASICALLY TOLD HIM WE'RE MATES' she suddenly realised what she did and whined fuck! she shuffled slightly away so she could see the look on Dark/Luke's face but even when they were evenly in control they snuggled closer and licked our ear. 

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