Chapter 7

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The picture is amber after her magical inheritance

The next morning I woke and Ryan was beside my bed "hey, morning, sup? and why are you next to my bed. I'm not dead yet" he groaned "I was actually here to make sure you didn't murder anyone, your leg had to be bandaged up as well as your back"

...Flash Back...

I was on the metal bench after Luke had his shoulder bandaged up "alright miss amber, it looks like this bear got you on the back too so I need to lift your shirt up, dont worry about the boys they're distracted" I groaned but complied, I heard a gasp behind me, I slammed the doctors wrist on the table, probably breaking or at least fracturing it. My eyes were a solid electric green, Caleb backed up against the wall "dont look at my scars" I lunged at him and felt my canines growing but a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in. I kicked and thrashed angrily while shifting and snapping my jaws at everything. I saw my mum, Ryan, Luke and Caleb glancing at me fearfully while, probably Alpha Gryff, carried my back to my room

...End of Flash Back..

"yeah, shit" he gave me an annoyed look "Alpha Gryff has a broken rib and two of his fingers had to be sown back on meanwhile poor doctor hew has a fractured wrist in three places. We all blamed it on your hormones due to your magical inheritance being today, speaking of it will probably be soon" and right on cue a sharp invasive pain shot through my body and I felt my eyes glow the same electric green. I felt like my body was on fire while Ryan had backed him self into a corner whimpering. When the pain subsided I glanced up at him and uncurled from the ball I didnt notice I hade curled into, he gasped "Holy shit youre gorgeous and an Alpha. What. The. Total. Fucking. Shit." he lunged for the door "I am so telling mumt this" and with that he bolted down the stairs and I heard multiple crashes, shouts and excited yells. i slowly got up, not putting much pressure on my still sore leg with a pretty bloodied bandage but I wasnt bothered to change it. I walked to my ensuite bathroom and looked at myself, wow, I looked so much better.

I chucked on a black hoodie and camo jeans hey mum im just heading to the mall please dont stop me or get in my way Im still sore from last night, oh yeah and please apologise to everyone for me

hang on... since when can I link with mum? I felt her acknowledge what I said before and I jumped from my window onto the willow tree and shimmied down that. I pulled my hood up before heading out of the forest. when i got to the  mall i discovered that i could tell peoples scents and ranks so much easier. I picked out Luke and Calebs scent and followed it to the icecream parlour "sup puppies, like my new look" Luke spun surprised but Caleb just looked at me stunned "wow, Rainy, you look so different" I raised an eyebrow "good different or bad" this time Caleb answered "good but Luke your gonna need to count the cash, she certainly out did herself" he groaned and pulled out a wad of cash and counted $140 and handed it me "thank you shitbrain" I said in a sweet voice he growled but then remembered who he was talking to and ducked his head.

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