4 - And I see your true colors shining through

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"One medium sized cappucino with a side of muffins. Oh, and add a medium caramel frappe and a medium sized caramel macchiato." I said, while I rummaged through my bag, looking for my wallet.

"Is that all ma'am?" The guy behind the counter asked and I nodded in reply.

"Let me repeat the order for you ma'am. One medium sized cappucino, one medium sized caramel macchiato and a medium caramel frappe plus muffins. That would be 12 dollars."

I handed him the money while I waited for my order. Where are they? They're the one that insisted on meeting me here and they're the ones late. I rolled my eyes at the thought. It's been almost a week since I last saw Stephen. And ever since then, I've been more moodier than usual. Rach noticed this and asked me about it but I only replied that it's because of the hormones. We both know that I'm lying. She kept on bugging me the whole week, and just to get her to shut up, I agreed to meet her here and tell her everything. Apparently, her means she and Denn.

"Here's your order ma'am." The guy said.

I took the tray and headed towards a table near the window. I sat down and took a sip of my cappucino. Wait. Am I even allowed to drink this? Since you know, I'm pregnant and all? I'll have to ask the doctor about that. But right now, I would have to drink this. I can't let it to go to waste, you know. After I took my first bite of my muffin, they finally arrived. They scanned the whole shop before their eyes met mine. 

"What took you so long?" I snapped. What? I'm not a patient person.

"Sorry. We got stuck in traffic. You know how crazy it is out there." Rach said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes.

"Awww. Look Rach. Audrey ordered for us. How sweet." Denn teased as I handed her drink.

"Whatever. Just be thankful that I even waited for you guys."

When they were finally able to settle down on their seats, Denn turned to me and said "Spill."

So I told them everything. From the moment I opened the door for Stephen until he left.

"So let me get this staright. Stephen went to your house. He asked if the child was his and you lied because you thoutght he can't support you. Then he left and you started sobbing and crying like a little girl. Did I get that right?" Denn said with wide eyes. I nodded.

"What I don't get is why you cried. And why you're moody. Don't tell me you have feelings for him."  Rach said.

"Yeah. Do tell us, Audrey. Why did you cry? And not only that, you were also feeling bluer than blue after he left." Denn said, a smirk slowly appearing on her face.

Rach immediately caught on and said with knowing smile. "Our Audrey is growing up so fast."

Denn and Rach looked at each other before saying at the same time, "She's in love!"

A few people looked our way and I rolled my eyes at the moron.

"Stop it guys! I've only know the guy for barely 3 days and now you're telling me that I'm in love? That's impossible."

"Hmmm, know that you said it, you do have a point. However, I still think you've got feelings for him. But maybe not love. Yet." Denn said while wriggling her eyebrows.

"Pshhh. I'll never fall for him. I'll admit that I'm quite attached to Stephen, for some unexplainable reason, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for a  poor guy that will not be able to support me and sunshine."

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