9 - The big question

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2 weeks have passed since Stephen and I went to look for the perfect home for our sunshine. I haven't seen him since then but he keeps contact by calling me almost everyday to ask me if I have taken my vitamins and how was my day. He also asks me everyday if the baby already moved, but sadly it still hasn't. Aside from making sure everything's right with me, he also tells me about his day. Stephen is a writer who doesn't have much luck. But I think this is starting to change because just last Wednesday, he called to tell me that a guy wants to meet with him regarding his book. He sounded so happy on the phone and I guess sunshine felt it too because at that moment I felt something on my tummy. My hands quickly flew to my slightly bulging stomach only to feel the baby move again. It's safe to say that that day was one of the happiest moments in my life.

I'm now currently in my bed eating mustard at 8 in the morning. Helen fixed my schedule and lessened my work load so that I won't be too stressed and tired. Also part of the reason is to hide my condition to the public. Helen rejected all offers from clothing brands and if I ever did a photoshoot, which rarely happens, Helen gives strict instructions that I only wear loose clothes. So far, no one is asking me if I'm pregnant, but I think I'm going there.

So imagine my surprise when I received a call from the director that we'll have a shooting today. I called Helen just to confirm if it's true.

"Hello?" Helen answered after two rings.

"Helen it's me. Is it true that I have a shooting today?"

"Oh yes. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"But Helen...I don't wanna shoot today!" I whinied like a child.

I heard Helen laugh on the other line.

"Audrey you have no choice. I already agreed to the director. Now go and get ready. It get's better, I promise." Helen hung up after that.

"How can it get better?" I grumbled under my breath.

I grudgingly dragged my feet to the bathroom and got ready for the effing shooting.

I called Jo, my driver, because I'm in no mood to drive today.

When we arrived at the venue, the director greeted me with a too-big-smile on his face. I wanted to ask him what's wrong with his face but I guess that's rude, so I just flashed him a sarcastic smile in return.

Miranda then came from what I guess will be my dressing room.

"Ms. Audrey, you're clothes are already prepared. This way, Miss."

We headed to the dressing room and I was so shocked to see a beautiful gown. It reminds me of a princess.

"This is so beautiful." I said in an awed voice.

"I agree, Miss. I think it would completely look perfect on you."

"Wait. I'm wearing this? Why? I don't remember a scene where I'll have to wear a gown."

"I-I don't know the reason, Miss. The director just told me to help you wear it."

I know she's lying. She stuttered and she's avoiding my eyes, but I let it pass. I'll know the reason soon.

Miranda knows I'm pregnant so she's not surprised when she helped me in the gown. Then she put my hair up into an elegant bun and then added a beatiful tiara on my head. She did my make up and went for the natural look. She just enhanced my features and made my face look glowing. When she was finished, I looked into the mirror.

I look like a princess. I look beautiful. I feel like a child again. When I was younger, I used to dream about being a princess. But reality splashed cold water in my face and I came into a realization that princesses doesn't really exist. Until now. Now, I feel like the child in me woke up and decided to believe again in fairytales. Even if it's only for a few hours.

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