31 - It's a ...!

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31 - IT'S A ...!

"Audrey, you're cervix is already 10 centimeters wide. I don't think we can wait for your husband anymore. We need to start  now."

It's been 3 hours since we have arrived at the hospital. And it's been 2 hours since mother called Stephen, 2 hours of waiting for him, and nothing. I trusted him, he said he wanted a second chance, and I gave that to him. I don't know what hurts more, the fact that he's not here to witness the birth of his child or the fact that he doesn't care enough to go and hold my hand while I give birth to our child. 

You're stupid for even dreaming about happily ever afters. Have you learned nothing? After all that you've experienced, you still dare to hope? How naive. Forget it. Forget him. You'll always be alone, always has, always will. Nothing will change.

I blinked back the tears that are threatening to fall, partly due to the pain, but mostly because of this stupid hope I had that Stephen will really come. Of course, he will choose to go to that freaking awarding ceremony. He won't choose you. When did anyone choose you really?

"Audrey, baby, I'm sorry that Stephen can't come, but the doctor is right. We need to start now. I'm afraid something might happen to the baby if we don't continue." My mother gently said while wiping the sweat off my forehead.

I've been in labor for 3 hours and it's fucking painful, I tell you. It's especially painful if you don't have someone to hold your hand.

"Can't we wait a-a little longer?" I croaked out as another contraction hit me again. This shit is painful as hell. I guess, I'm still hoping he will come even though I know deep inside that he won't come. Better late than never right?

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we really can't wait anymore."

"Fine. Let's start."

"Okay, just follow my instructions and all will go smoothly. When I say push, you push, alright? Wait for my signal."

I weakly nodded. God, I just want for all of this to end. 

"You can do this, Audrey." My mother said encouragingly beside me.

"Okay, at the count of three. 1, 2 and..3. Push!"

I felt a strong contraction hit me and I pushed hard. 

"That's it, Audrey. Deep breaths, deep breaths, in, out, in, out. Very good." 

"The next contraction's coming. 1, 2 and push!"

I pushed again, while squeezing my mother's hand tightly. I can now feel my tears mixing with the sweat on my face. This is hard.

My mother wiped the sweat off my face again.

"The next one's coming. Deep breaths, Audrey. 1, 2 and push!"

This time, a scream ripped out of my throat as I pushed. It's  that  painful. But I can endure this, as long as my sunshine comes out healthy. I will do anything, go through anything, for my child.

"Mom, it hurts. It hurts so bad." I sobbed after taking a lungful of breath.

"It's okay baby. Everything will be alright. It will end soon. You can do this." She replied as wiped my face.

"I'm starting to see the head of the baby. You can do this Audrey. On my mark. 1, 2, push!"

I took a deep breath before I released it all in a scream as I pushed.

"Fuuuck!" I screamed.

I took lungfuls of air again. In, out, in, out, in, o-


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