7 - How I met your parents

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Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang again for the third fucking time. Can't they get a hint? And who the fuck in their right minds would go to my house at.... 6 in the morning! Oh, they are so going to get it.

I threw the covers off my body and stood up fuming. I angrily walked towards the door and yanked it open

"What the fucking hell do you want?!" I shouted not even bothering to check who it was before shouting. They could be the effing president and I wouldn't give a damn.

"Whoa, Audrey, I didn't know you were not a morning person." Cara said.

"Yeah, I thought you were already used to waking up early because of your hectic schedule and all." Rihanne added.

"Well, that used to be correct until my egg cell got fertilized by Stephen's sperm cell." I snapped.

It was true. I don't usually have it this bad during mornings. But these past few days, I noticed myself getting crankier and crankier during the mornings. Probably the hormones.

"We didn't need to know the specific details on how you got pregnant Audrey." Rachel said while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, you could just say you got knocked up." Pauly said.

Denn and Cara elbowed her and she said, "Ow! What was that for?"

I just groaned at their stupidity and said "Enough!" They all shut up. Thank god.

I took a deep breath before opening the door wider and inviting them in. I closed the door and turned around to face them, only to see them surrounding me like a cage as if they were afraid I would escape or something.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I said as I gave them a confused look.

"I thought we are friends, Audrey?" Pauly said while wiping a fake tear.

"Yes...we are friends...so?" I replied not getting where this is heading to.

"Then explain this!" Cara said while thrusting the latest issue of Star Magazine in my face. I snatched the magazine and glared at Cara before looking at the magazine that ruined my sleep.

"You went on a date with Stephen and you didn't even bother to tell us!" Cara said.

The magazine was plastered with our pictures from our date in the carnival. The heading says: A Glimpse of Audrey Williams Love Life. Directly beneath the heading is a picture of us kissing at the entrance of the building and beside that is a picture of Stephen wiping the side of my mouth with a tissue because it has cheese from the nachos. Quite frankly, I was not so surprised. The paparazzis suck at hiding, I tell you. They were so obvious. I would've done a better job at it.

"And I'm assuming that you all went here to know the details?" I said. Oh there will be a lot of squealing, I'm sure.

"Of course we are." Rihanne said, a little too eagerly.

"So be a good friend Audrey, and spill." Cara added.

"But!" Denn shouted, startling us all.

"Let's head first to the bed!" And they all ran towards my bedroom like little children. It has been our tradition to sit on the bed whenever someone will share a story. I shook my head before chuckling, my bad mood forgotten.

"Your aunts are so immature, sunshine."

Before heading to the bedroom, I first went to the fridge to get some sodas and snacks. Oh and a bottle of mustard.

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