29 - Mothers know best

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This chapter is dedicated to the awesome person above for being the very first to leave a comment in my story! And not only that, she also voted. Let's all follow her example guys! Hahahaha. Anyways, you should also check out her works. If you're looking for deep and meaningful poems, you have come to the right person!



It has been a week since Stephen's very unexpected visit and true to his word, he didn't stop with the texts and a day won't pass without a delivery of flowers, chocolates, or stuffed toys. My room is starting to look like a gift shop with all the teddy bears and flowers.

A day won't also pass without me thinking about Stephen. I spend hours outside just thinking if I'm doing the right choice, if maybe I should take that leap after all. If I'm not thinking about that, I'm thinking about all our past memories together, from the time we met up until to the day I left. I know I should stop doing this if I wanted to move on, but I just can't. It's so goddamned hard. Sometimes, I even find myself crying, thinking why it has to be like this. Why I can't have Stephen. And why does it hurt so much whenever I see his texts. 

I just wish that this would all stop soon.


Another day has been spent moping around and sulking. And I hate it. 

I sighed.

I looked down on my tummy.

I wish you'd come sooner, so you can distract me from thinking about your daddy all the time.

I sighed again. I can't believe I've become this sighing mess in just a span of a month.


I looked up and saw my mother. She has a concerned look on her face.

"Yes, mother?"

"It's dinner time."

"Oh. I'll come downstairs in a minute."


My mother turned around and closed the door.

I stood up from my bed and went to my vanity table to brush my mess of a hair. After brushing my hair, I decided that this would have to do and left my room to go to the dining area. I headed for my seat on the table and then looked at what we're having for tonight. I felt tears on my eyes when I realized that it's Seafood Marinara, Stephen's favorite dish. Then I remembered the time we ate this for dinner, how happy we were back then.

"Audrey? Are you alright?" My mother's voice broke me out of my reminiscing.

I cleared my throat and said in a barely audible voice, "Yeah."

"I don't think so. I've been calling your name for the last five minutes and you didn't even hear me. What's wrong honey?"

I blinked hard and said, "I'm fine, just thinking about...things."

"Oh. So Stephen is a thing now?"

I stared dumbfounded at my mother. I can feel a blush starting on my cheeks.

"W-what? No, no. I'm not thinking about Stephen." I denied as I served myself some pasta.

"If that's what you say so." My mother said.

I took my first bite of the pasta, and I would have to admit that this is good, even better than mine. Oh Stephen would definitely fall in love with this.

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