6 - Let's get this party started

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"Hollywood Princess Audrey Williams and Her Secret Love!"

        Many have wondered, and asked, if Audrey Williams has already found her one true love, but these questions always went unanswered. Now, Star Magazine has the answers you've all been waiting for! One of our sources said that yes, Audrey indeed has a secret lover and our source also said that the relationship looks serious. 

         The lucky man that managed to make his way in our princess' heart is Stephen Portman, an undiscovered writer.  Apparently, the couple has been dating in secret for quite a few years now. Our source said that the couple met at a bar and instantly clicked. They started out as friends and their 'friendship' lasted for about a month or two before their hearts completely took over. Is this really true love we're seeing? Looks like wedding bells are soon gonna be heard! Stay tuned for more updates in the following issues, only here on Star Magazine.

I read the article with a frown on my face. News sure travel fast. It's only been a day since the information was 'leaked' and they already have a full article about our supposed to be realationship. I put the magazine down and made a move to go to the shower, but my ringing phone stopped me. I went towards the side table and grabbed my phone.

Looks like my manager is calling me. Why am I not surprised? Probably called to scold me or something.


"Audrey, care to explain to me what bullshit Star Magazine said in their article?" I can hear the anger in her voice. She must have had a shock. I mentally smirked. It's rare to see Helen, my manager, loose composure. She usually has this aura that makes people stand up straighter and act more serious.

"Well, as you've already heard, or rather seen, I have a secret boyfriend. We've been going out for quite some time now and it's serious. What's more to explain? It's as simple as that." I said, repeating the things written on the article. I can imagine her face turning red. In all the years I've known her, I came to know one thing about her and it's that she hates it when someone makes her look like a fool.

"I know that!" She snapped and I chuckled. Just what I was expecting.

"What I don't know is why you lied. You can't fool me Audrey. I know you. You don't have a secret boyfriend or whatsoever. If you had, I would have known. Tell me the truth."

I sighed. I know I can't lie to her. I can lie to everyone but not to Helen. She is like a mother to me. Helen showed me how a mother looks at her daughter. She gave me the maternal love I craved for ever since I was a kid. I can't possibly lie to the only person who loved me for who I am. So I decided to tell her the truth.

"I'm pregnant." 

There was silence on the other end of the line. I heard her sigh deeply before finally speaking.

"Please start from the beginning."

And so, I told her all that happened from the time I met Stephen at Pandora's Box up until to the time where we signed the contract. She was the only person, aside from my friends and Stephen that knows the truth.

"Audrey, if you don't really want to marry this man, just tell me. I can make it look like he's lying. I have connections. You don't have to worry about a thing. Your reputation won't be destroyed."  

"But what about the baby? I don't want him/her to grow up asking for his father. I don't want my sunshine to go through what I went through. As much as I hate to admit this, but Stephen's right. This will be the best for the baby. I don't have the option to be selfish right now. This will not only affect my life, it will also affect my sunshine's." I said as the face of the young boy in the park flashed in my mind. It was soon followed by a little girl, waiting for her daddy on her sixth birthday. She was all alone and it was already midnight. Her friends already left earlier, telling her she was a liar because her daddy didn't show up.  Mommy said he would come, and she the naive, innocent little girl believed her and told her friends.

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