3 - Liars go to hell

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Denn's POV:

Guys, meet me at Pandora's Box. Rach and I will tell you something important. 8:00 sharp. Got it? Don't be late. And yes, I'm talking to you Pauly. See you bitches ;) - Denn

After I sent the message to the group, I looked at Audrey and asked her, "You sure you don't want to come? This meeting is all about you. The girls will surely ask for you."

Audrey looked at me with red, puffy eyes and she said, "I don't think I can go out in my condition. Plus, I don't feel so well. I'll just stay at home and rest. And maybe I don't know, think?" She said while laughing humorlessly. She just finished crying after telling me who the father of the child is. Shocking is an understatement.

"Don't abort the baby!" I immediately said. Hey! Don't judge. That's the first thing that came into mind when she said think.

She jumped at my loud voice before glaring at me and hissing, "I would never do that! Do you think so low of me? And why the loud voice? I can hear you just perfectly fucking fine."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine. Sorry, sorry. I'll just leave now. Call me if anything happens or if you need something. Take care and don't forget to lock the doors when I leave."

"Yes mum." She said sarcastically.

I got up and collected my stuff around the room and left Audrey to her thoughts. Poor girl.

I went down the to the lobby and checked my watch.Oops. Looks like I'm the one who will be late.

Pandora's box was bursting with people. I literally need to push my way through the table where my friends sat.

"I thought the meeting time was 8:00 sharp?"Pauly asked with a smug look on her face. That arrogant bitch.

"And where is Audrey?" Cara asked with a questioning face.

"She's not feeling too well." Rach said while looking at me.

"I got stuck in traffic, kay? It's not like it's my fault." I mumbled, answering Pauly's question while I sat down.

"So what's the important announcement?" Rihanne said while drinking a mocktail.

"Hey! That's mine!" Cara said, reaching for the glass like a child reaching for a candy.

I laughed at the two before saying, "I think we should all get drinks first."

"A strong one at that." Rach added with a knowing look.

When our drinks arrived, the others looked at me expectantly. I sighed.

"Okay. Before anything else, what I will say now will only stay here, you understand?"

The girls all nodded.

Before I could continue Pauly said, "Geez. You're making all of us nervous here. What happened? Did Audrey get pregnant or something?"

Rach choked on her drink while my eyes grew as wide as saucers. Does she know? How?

Rihanne patted Rach on the back while I stared at Pauly still shocked. After Rach's coughing fit, silence hang in the air.

Cara was the first to react. "She's really pregnant, isn't she?" She said, eyes as wide as saucers and voice just above a whisper but I'm sure the whole group heard it.

Rach looked at me then nodded. "Yeah. She's pregnant. Two months pregnant." And so I told them all that happened from when the time Audrey first called me up to now. We were all so engrossed in the tale that we didn't notice another set of ears listening in our converstaion.

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