The Girl With the Red Scarf

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{Disclaimer - All the events, places and buildings mentioned in the story are purely a work of fiction and may or may not possess any resemblance to any existing events, places and buildings. I sincerely hope that all readers will overlook any obvious geographic facts that I have not mentioned and accept and enjoy the storyline}


The flight landed at The Ngurah Rai International Airport at exactly five minutes past two, initiating a small jerk as it came to a rest slowly. It was pitch black outside and only a few dot like airport lights could be made out of the clear glass window.
An air hostess came forward and told the passengers to proceed towards the exit doors in a queue, smiling broadly and reminding them to check the compartments above for any luggage they might have stored at the beginning of the flight.

I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone, turning the airplane mode off. In the two seats beside me, Sikhar and Rashi were sleeping comfortably, neck pillows wrapped around their throats.
I dialled Mr. Sinha's number on my phone and confirmed him of our landing. He hastily and somewhat alertly told me that his cars are all ready to pick us up, he just needs to give the driver a quick call. He also added, appreciatively of his own  gesture, that the driver will be holding a placard of my name and that we will have absolutely no problem in finding him.

Mr. Rohit Sinha is the manager of 'The Taj Palace', one of the few Indian owned luxury hotels in Bali.
Sikhar had booked this hotel in advance because according to him, the website claimed that this place provided a full experience of Bali, with the comfort of India.
I was not sure what this meant, but what did it matter anyway?

I nudged Sikhar and he woke up with a start, taking his time to realize his whereabouts. He, in turn, woke up Rashi and pulled out his kit bag from the compartment above. Swinging it on his shoulders, he helped Rashi retrieve her small handbag and we went to join the queue, now proceeding quickly out of the front doors of the airplane.

Of course, there had been no need of us staying in a hotel, Lavanya's parents had invited us to stay at the Kashyap House and while Sikhar had only looked too eager about it ( I assume hot bikini wearing girls had resulted in this decision of his), I had rejected the proposal firmly.
Firstly, I had no whatsoever interest in Lavanya (or any other girl), I was only here for a formal visit because my mother wanted me to and I cannot blame her for this. She is only too worried about her son spending his entire life as a virgin bachelor. She wants to see me happy - having a wife, having kids perhaps. What she never takes into account is that my work is what makes me the happiest.
Secondly, I find Lavanya very extravagant and gaudy. I prefer simplicity and her ten layers of cosmetics and designer dresses are exactly not what appeals to my tastes. But here I was, descending from the flight at the Bali airport, not at all ready for the task I was sent here to accomplish.

We descended from the flight and made our way towards the main area of the airport to collect our luggages. We had two suitcases in total. I had packed mine and Sikhar's belongings in a navy blue suitcase and Rashi had her clothes along with my laptop in a light pink one.

The main hall of the airport was brightly lit and much warmer than the cool night air outside. The hall led into a large square room littered with sitting arrangements and small shops here and there. At the centre of the room, the luggages were being circulated around.

Rashi - Bhaiyaa, I will just pay a quick visit to the washroom. I need to fix my hair and my lipstick.

Sikhar - Yeah, you go. Rakshit bhai, I will get our luggage. A navy blue suitcase and a light pink one.

Rashi - Just remember that I have tied a small yellow tag to the chain of our suitcases, so that we don't mess them up with someone else's.

Rashi ran a hand through her short bob hair and turned to go to the ladies washroom.

Me - Okay, then. I will see where the driver is. Get the luggage and meet me at the front of the main gate, okay? Rashi, if you have any problem finding the exit, just give me or Sikhar a call. See, that's over there. The red sign.

I pointed towards where 'Exit' was written upon a red background at the very front of the central room. Rashi nodded slightly and walked off.

Sikhar - Bhai? Can I ask you something?

He looked like he had been meaning to ask me this 'something' for a long time. Maybe he didn't think it appropriate to ask me in front of Rashi.

I nodded, not too encouragingly, because I knew perfectly what extent of offensive questions my cousin brother often asked me, just for the fun of it.

Sikhar - Bhai, why did you come here in the first place? I know Badi maa forced you to, but you are Rakshit Shergill, you do nothing against your will.

I sighed. I knew he wanted the truth.

Me - Sikhar, to be honest, my mom matters the most to me. I can do anything to please her. My happiness lies in her happiness. I just wanna see her smiling - forever. Even if that means I have to marry Lavanya.

Sikhar - But bhai, you don't love her, do you? And she is not right for you. She just acts decent in front of Badi mom, you and me - we both know the truth. She - is - a - spoiled - bitch.

Sikhar's language has been this bad ever since he learnt a few slangs in middle school.

Me - Sikhar, mind your language. And anyways, I don't believe in love. I am just marrying her 'cause I have to.

Sikhar - No you don't. You just need to find the right person to marry.

Me - Sikhar, I don't have the time for this 'love' and 'right person' crap.

I turned and took a step towards the exit, creating a small gap between me and Sikhar.

Sikhar - Who knows bhai? You might find love here in Bali, in this very trip.

He gave me a smug smile and turned towards the luggage.

I shrugged ever so slightly and sighed. I had never believed in crap like love and such shit - ever -

Sikhar called from behind.

Sikhar - Bhai I am sure you will bump into love very soon! -

Disgusted, I proceeded towards the exit and almost immediately crashed into something - someone.

On closer inspection, I saw that it was a girl. She looked totally dishevelled - her light brown hair was falling over her fair face and her eyes - her eyes were blood red, as if she had been crying. The girl muttered a quiet apology and ran off towards the ladies washroom.
And almost simultaneously, as if on queue, another girl came running behind her, addressing the first girl as 'Di!'
I couldn't make out what had just happened, but all I saw was a red scarf fluttering in the air behind the fleeing girl.


Hey everyone! Hope you are doing fine! So, this was the very first part of my very first FANFICTION on Wattpad. I am so glad to be joining this community.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this part. I would really, really appreciate feedback, you can comment down below or feel free to DM me! Suggestions, appreciation and constructive criticism will be welcomed!

With love and gratitude,

The Girl With the Red Scarf | ✔️ [DriKshit]Where stories live. Discover now