Happily Never After

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{Disclaimer - All events, places amd timings have been written in accord with my storyline and may or may not possess any resemblance to any existing events, places and timings! I hope that the readers will overlook any obvious facts that have not been mentioned in the story }


As I walked on the gray station platform, my steps uneven, I wondered if what I had done was right. I had lied to Sona maa, to Rakshit and betrayed all those people who had accepted and loved me as one of their own. But I had no other option. I could not carry this burden of dragging my loved ones into danger any further. I could not live with the fear that at any moment, I could lose someone close to me. And whose fault would it be in the end? Mine. Who would regret and carry the guilt all throughout her entire life? Me. No, I cannot risk the life of anyone else - it was best for me to leave.

I had been planning this for a month now. Of course, I could have left sooner, but I was waiting for my first salary - I didn't want to increase my debts to Rakhit - both economical as well as emotional. I didn't know what would have happened if Rakshit hadn't come to check on me and Divya the day Maasi and Romi died. Sorry, the day Maasi and Romi were murdered. I could never move on. No, I could never escape my past and that was the bitter truth of my life. But Rakshit would never understand this - he would have never let me go if I told him. I didn't want to break his heart, but I had to do this.

He will move on. He will find some worth making efforts for. But the thought that the someone wasn't me affected me more than I thought it would. Over the past few months, we had come closer, closer than I had ever expected us to be. But this was never meant to be. We were never meant for each other. I am not the one for him.

I felt as if there was a tight ball in my throat, preventing me from breathing. And as the memories washed down upon me, my eyes tore up. I opened my mouth and gasped, breathing in the conjusted platform air.

I remembered the day we first met. I was crying, my attention preoccupied by Aakash and Sweety. I had bumped into him, never knowing that one day, I would be marrying this man. I never knew that we would come this far, overcome so much together.

I remembered his smile, the twinkle in his eyes when he laughed, the way his hair fell on his forehead.

No, I could never forget Rakshit Shergill. He will forever be in my heart, a memory that I will always cherish. So what if we are not meant to be? I have no regrets.

Actually, I do have one regret. I have finally found a name for the feeling that we shared, but - it is too late now. I would never have the chance to tell him how much I -

Besides, some words are better unsaid.

I walked upto the ticket counter and stood in the small line that proceeded too quickly. Soon, all of it will be over. I will be far away from Rakshit and maybe, maybe I will never see him again. At least, not in this lifetime.

The paunchy man at the counter looked up at me.

~ "One ticket. New Delhi. The earliest train please."

Mumbai to New Delhi and then Shimla. Nobody would find me in the opposite end of the country.

He eyed me once more before turning to the computer and tapping on his keyboard at a rapid pace.

He filled in the necessities.

~ "Rajdhani Express. Leaves at 9 : 30 p.m. from platform number 17."

He handed me a white paper upon which my travel details were printed. I took it from him and proceeded towards platform number 17.

The digital clock on the platform turned 9 : 00 p.m.

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