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Jacksons P/V

As the sun rose above the trees shedding light onto The Moonrise Pack, in a way I'd never seen before. I couldnt help but  take in a breath of the crisp spring air. I watched as the pack began to wake starting their day with a smile that held pure content.

There was something much lighter about the pack now. No feelings of dread or fear , instead happiness and peace resonating through the entire pack. The sounds of laughter sang through the mountains daily now a sound I wasnt sure I'd ever actually heard. That of true happiness.

It warmed my heart to see the change my father had installed. Everyone had a sense of belonging a place amoung the pack a home. The rouges as well as the moonrise pack found it difficult to adjust to pack life at first , but looking at them now its hard to believe it was ever any different.

Even my father was like a new man, he was reborn out of the ashes of his grief. Now full of life and love. He was now the alpha he was always meant to be with his mate by his side.

I was grateful for this day and all days since larsen was imprisones by the royal pack. Having said that though the past seemed to loom over me like a constant thunderous cloud. My very own personal storm that was rooted so far inside me I couldnt even find it.

I knew I would never and could never forgive myself for the years I spent under larsen. Fulfilling his evil desires and torturous schemes. I may have had my will bent but I still did those awful things. Now that I had no one dictating to me or forcing my actions I was afraid.

I was fearful of the darkness he imprinted into me. I was no longer the innocent boy who first came here. I was now a man a man who had no idea who he was. I'd never deluded or allowed my mind to wonder into the dreams my heart held. I locked them up tight out of fear of disappointment.

I'd never dreamed of the day I was free to decide my own fate. So now that it was here I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be. Of course loosing a part of me didn't help the fact.

I hadn't sensed my wolf or felt him stir in my mind nor body since I woke up. Two months I'd been in a coma the poison the crazy doctor had injected me with was apparently unlike anything any of the pack doctors had seen before.

Apart of me felt that maybe this was justice served to me for the terrible things I had done. The other part of me wondered if the doctors were right. They said there is no reason I shouldn't be able to feel my wolf apparently my lack of connection with him is purley psychological.

I shook my head from the solum thoughts that had taken me away from this beautiful day. A couple of pack members passed by polity greeting me. I only offered them a nod in return. I wasn't trying to be hostile or mean I generally didn't interact with anyone other than my father and Sarah. I was to afraid of what my true colours were i wasn't yet ready to find out.

I jumped out of panic as a hand gently brushed my shoulder. I wasnt used to not being able to smell ,sence or hear the way I used to even after all this time. An apologetic look crossed sarahs features as she gave me a moment to regain my composure. She looked so much different since the first time we'd met.

Her hair no longer matted and dirty, it was cut short and framed her soft pink cheeks perfectly. Her once hopeless filled eyes shone with life. She had gained some much needed weight not nearly enough but she looked alot healthier than before.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you"

Shaking my head gently i held my hand up a little ,

" no its alright, I was lost in my thoughts"

A gentle smile graced her lips as she looked out onto the pack.

" you've been doing that alot , care to share? I'm a good listener"

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