3: Swayamwar ki Shennai

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What am I thinking? Accept me!? Why would they accept a Rajkumari from a kingdom that isn't even half of their size and wealth? Not that we are any less in terms of prestige or anything...but still... it would all come down to Rajkumar Sumedh in the end, and I have no opinion in that matter.

I reached my study and was about to open the door, when the whispers of some maids reached my ears. Gossip.

"Did you hear..today is the death anniversary of the late Raja of Sondhara. The whole kingdom is mourning," one of the maids murmured, clearly oblivious I could make out every single word..

"Speaking of the late king, shouldn't Rajkumar Sumedh be at throne right now? He is of age to handle the kingdom..." another one of them replied back.

"That would be if he could find a proper bride to assist him." For some reason, these words annoyed me. I knew it wasn't true at all that you had to have a bride to rule. So what could be the reason he's not taking the throne...?

"Ahh...as they say, behind every successful man, there is a woman."

"I mean...the Rajkumar will definitely have some hard time finding a bride who will accept him. With his misfortune and all, his looks are nothing." she giggled.

Hearing this, I knew I had had enough. As I turned the corner to face the maids, they all bowed their heads down. "Rajkumari" they greeted, nervously.

"Enough with the talks. Please get back to your assigned tasks," I ordered politely, dismissing them.

As I returned to my study, the maids' words continued ringing through my head. If he is really having a hard time finding a bride, then maybe accepting me wouldn't be such a big thing. I'm sure the kingdom will be more than relieved to have a future queen.

I sat down on my desk and opened a geographic scroll. Finding Sondhara on it, I began observing. It's quite true what they say - the kingdom has vast extended borders. Ruling a region this big is really prestigious. I began marking up certain areas when suddenly footsteps from behind could be heard. If there is one person who walks into my study without permission...that could only be...

"Mallika!" my brother's voice exclaimed. I turned around to greet him. No matter how hard he tried to be happy, I could notice the strain in his eyes. He's stressing too much from the condition of Suryani. "What are you doing?"

Before I could respond, he looked down at my scrolls. Seeing my marks on Sondhara, the spark in his eyes that he tried to keep alive disappeared, his voice sounding more disappointed. "Mallika..."

"I can explain Bhaiya," I said, trying to keep the situation under control. "It's not what you-"

"Did ANY of the advisors try to convince you?! I swear I won't--"

"Bhaiya no!"

He calmed down a bit, but the tension in his face didn't disappear. "Mallika...I know with all of this going on - I mean our people, our wealth, our prestige - everything seems to be going downhill. The advisors say we need an alliance, but no one wants to tie any ties with us. There is one option, but I don't even want to..." he trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

Sensing where the conversation was going, I was not going to back down. "Bhaiya...if this is about my swayamvar-." He looked up immediately at the word of swayamvar. His mouth wanted to say no, but his eyes held back. There was a sign of helplessness in them.

Taking a deep breath, I started again. "If this is about my swayamvar, then I am ready to have one." He tried to interrupt, but I kept going. "Bhaiya, I have given much thought into this matter before agreeing. This about our people, and I will do WHATEVER it takes to help them. People's welfare comes first before personal welfare - that was Papa's main principle. Anyways, if you serve within the kingdom, then I will rule outside of it. That's the only difference."

He smiled slightly, and I could see the proud in his eyes. "I never realized when you matured so much."

Brushing a tear off his cheek, I smiled back. "I will always be in your heart Bhaiya. Plus I'll come every year for Raksha Bandhan no," I said, trying to lighten the mood. He laughed and added, "And if my Jijaji doesn't let you, then I'll declare war!" Hearing this, I laughed along with him.

"If you are completely confident about this...then who am I to argue? We will slowly start making arrangements then!"

I nodded and watched my happy brother exit the room. I turned back around to the map and stroked Sondhara with my fingers. I wonder if Bhaiya would consider it once...



The shockingly gentle touch unfamiliar, I quickly jerked my hand away. No one bothered to check on me all day, who would this be?! Turning around, I looked down to see Sondhari - my niece. Stepping back, I grew more serious, "You shouldn't be here. Your mother wouldn't like it."

"She doesn't like any of the things I do Mama, like me painting instead of studying. Or me playing with the maids' daughters. Or me jumping in dirt and puddles and getting my dresses dirty. It's ok, Mama."

"No Sondhari. It's not ok. Please, just leave," I coldly repeated.

Not seeming to get the hint, she continued on, "But Mama! In this whole palace, you're the only one I like to be with!"

My heart throbbed with her innocence.

"And yet - Ma doesn't let me!"

I wanted to give her a big hug, wanted to tell her stories, wanted to return the love she gave me...but I couldn't. "M-meri Soan Papdi..."

She giggled as soon as she heard the name I used to call her long back.

"I'm going to tell you a secret..." I smiled, adoring her curious face.
"Tell me Mama. Fast!"

"Go to your Ma, give her a tight hug, and THEN ask her if you can paint! I'm sure she will let you." I grinned, remembering my cunning tricks as a child. Without wasting another moment, Sondhari ran off. Just before she passed my door, I could hear her cute voice: "You're the best Mama!"

One side of my heart was rewarded, while the other side stung with pain. 

Oh Kismat,

Why does love hurt this much? It's easy to pick right from wrong. But how can I pick right from right? Why did you betray me, Kismat? What did I ever do wrong that you gave me this punishment?

Why, oh why, can't there be just one miracle...just one... 


Sondhari and Sumedh scenes always tear us up when writing it 😞😥


How did you like this part? Will Mallika's wish of sending Sondhara an invite come true? (well only we know) 😏😏

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