22: The Power in Embracing

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After eating a proper meal, together, I was starting to feel things were starting to finally settle down. He wasn't ignorant to me anymore, living here was in fact turning comfortable, and peace was finally found. However, there was still a feeling of tension. How was my brother doing back home? How were our people doing? Has our kingdom increased in struggles? The feeling of guilt was killing me all this time: me finding peace in a forest while everyone else was struggling. My big sigh of anxiety perked Sumedh's attention towards me.

"What are you thinking about Rajkumari?"

"Suryani." I blurted out. His face, previously expressing genuine concern, turned into something of guilt.

"I-I'm sorry." he finally mumbled, widening my eyes in surprise. He...apologized? Suddenly

"I would have accepted your apology, if I knew what you were even apologizing for."

For a second, he looked confused, but then the realization dawned on him. "You don't know yet!"

I nodded. "Will you tell me at least now? The rest of the answers I need. Why did you leave Sondhara? Why are you spending an..an exile here? And most importantly, why am I here?"

"A desire." he said simply as if I could understand everything from that. "It all started with a craving for a change. I needed a change in life. One where nobody would avoid me. See me differently from others. I wanted to be a simple human."

I waited eagerly for his next words.
"And as if my desperation was heard from above, a chance, an opportunity, a spark of light appeared. Right from my journal."

He went on explaining everything: the dream, the glow, the riddle, the mysterious Journal Uncle (as he called), and me. As impossible as it seemed, I knew it had to be the truth - after all, even I've experienced some of it.

Now there was one last question. "So what do you think you're going to desire?"

I don't know what my question did, but his face changed into a mix of regret, confusion, and disappointment. "I -"

His voice cut off as my eyes jerked towards a small motion right behind him. His gaze was too busy examining my alertness: it was too late to warn him. I lunged towards him and caught the scorpion with my left hand while the other pulled Sumedh towards me and away from the scorpion.

I winced in pain as it stung me. Gently placing it away to the side, I pulled back my hand to examine it. Apparently, the insect did not return the tenderness I had given it. Before I could take a look, Sumedh, alarmingly, had already pulled me closer for his own inspection.

"Rajkumari, have you gone mad! What was the need to pick it up?!" He looked up into my eyes, worry written all over his face. With this, we became aware of our closeness. I slowly scooted away, increasing the distance between us. The moment had turned awkward.

Suddenly his eyes widened, an idea dawning upon him. "You have that healing boon, don't you? Why don't you use it on yourself?"

A chuckle let out of my mouth. "It was given with the intention of spreading generosity, Rajkumar. The boon is only meant for others - not for myself."

He looked at me astonished, but quickly dismissed the idea. "Then I'll have to do this myself," Sumedh said, getting up.

After a couple minutes, he returned with some plant herbs, leaves, and other items. Sitting back down beside me, he continued to work on my hand, taking care of the sting. "There, done!" Sumedh said a few minutes later, feeling proud of his healing work, while I stared in awe.

"Now if I am free to go, then I will take your leave," I said, getting up. As I was about to leave, he held my hand, holding me back. I let out a gasp, turning around slowly, not expecting the gesture. He got up, in the process pulling me once again, closer to him.



"I w-won't stop you from whatever y-you want, I'll never stop you, but..." I trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence. The words sort of just left my mouth. Words I've never said before to anyone. Words that meant something way deeper - something even I couldn't quite figure out.

She urged on," But..."

I looked into her eyes, hoping to convey my feelings through them. She looked intently back, trying to understand. I've gotten too good at hiding my feelings. I looked down, still hesitant. But I can't keep this from her. She has every right to know.

As I looked back into her eyes, they tried to read my mind. Perhaps she already understood what I meant, but just wanted to hear them from me. She stepped forward, a couple inches away from me. Her presence felt strong and compelling. She put her own hand over mine, reassuring me. It was too much now. I couldn't stop myself.

Suddenly, I put my arms around her, embracing her into a hug. This improper gesture of mine surprised her, but even she let in after a few moments. I felt the sensation of her head resting on my chest. The flowers in her hair filled the moment with a sweetened fragrance. She slowly lifted her arms to return the gesture. A cold wind sweeped by, causing her to hold on to me tighter. The protection I offered in return for her support. We stood there in silence as the sounds of the forest filled our ears with music. I couldn't remember the last time I hugged someone, but this moment felt real - it was real. This unethical move of mine was unsuitable for a Rajkumar, but for a broken human, it was everything he could ever want. 


Aww cute! Guess what...next part is even cuter! 

Thank you all for 10k on YKHG and 3k on this one! 💖

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