29: Reunion of Two Boys

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Looking at the empty seat, terror struck me. I should have expected it! He would have never liked this! Disappointment and anxiety flooded through me at the thoughts of where my dear brother went.

"Come on! We need to find him." I blurted out to Sumedh. We shared a look of sincere understanding before rushing out of the hall. As we passed every empty chamber, panic stabbed at me more and more. I can't let anything happen to bhaiya!


Nothing. We passed another row of chambers. But still nothing.
"Bhaiya please!" Tears were rolling down my eyes, and even the words of assurance from Sumedh couldn't calm me down. Suddenly, it dawned on me. My head jerked up in hope.

"There's s-still one m-more place we haven't gone yet." And with no further delay, I once again started sprinting - this time in the direction of a room I rarely visited.

"Where are we going?"

"We're closer." And we were. Soon enough we were standing right in front of the memorial room to my parents. The room that was always close to heart. But the sight of the closed door sent waves of relief through me.

"B-bhaiya...please don't do this to me." I cried.


"Please...don't do this to your sister. I can't bear it."

"And YOU think I can bear this outrageous act of YOURS." his roaring voice came out. But somewhere deep in his voice, there was a tremble. He was crying... Just the thought of breaking his heart sent shivers all throughout me. I was breaking inside, and Sumedh saw just that. Because the next thing I know, his voice cut through the air.

"You, perhaps, don't believe in my misfortune...do you Surya?"

And this time there was no excuse for the silence that came as a reply. Bhaiya had heard the words loud and clear. Beside me, Sumedh let out a long sigh and turned to me.

"Rajkumari, now if you'll give us a moment...me and my friend have a lot to catch up on."

The sound of the latch unlocking took me back in surprise. As I reluctantly took a step back, the determined Rajkumar of Sondhara made his way inside, without looking back.



When I closed the door, the room was dark - only one torch lightened. But even then, the room had a comforting aura - drawing me inside inch by inch. And in front of me: Suryaveer with his back facing me, staring at a family portrait.

"You didn't answer my question before Surya. Do you believe in my darn misfortune?!"

"I don't want to." his voice came out plain, bland, fearless.

"You're still as adamant as before, I see."

"Just get to the point, Rajkumar Sumedh."

I couldn't help but flinch. Okay that hit hard. He never addressed me so formally.

"If you want to play it that way, I can too, Rajkumar Suryaveer. I just want to know one thing: Do. You. Believe. In. The. Misfortune?"

He let out an impatient breath and finally turned around to face me. "I don't know! I don't know, okay! If Suryani's monarchical position was able to get cursed..then maybe..." He couldn't meet my eyes anymore. "Then maybe it's possible."

But my eyes never left his - those of one who used to be the closest person in my life.

"I j-just can't let anything happen to my sister. She's too precious to me."

There...he finally said it. He finally expressed the real reason for this behavior.

"You know what..." I started, watching his body tense. "I understand."

His face grew shocked - definitely didn't expect this.

"I understand. I mean if me, myself, kept my own precious niece away from me for all these years...I completely understand what you're going through. I spent a quarter of my life in darkness; frustrated, isolated, broken. But there was always something...something peaceful in that darkness. Memories."

Surya was stone-faced.

"Remember that one time in Gurukul where I was mistakenly punished to sleep all alone from everyone else--"

"Mistakenly?" he doubted, raising one eyebrows.

"Shut up - don't spoil the mood. Anyways, I was all alone on top of that hill, shivering, not from the cold but maybe fear? I just sat there staring at the sky, and for the first time I realized what the term 'abandoned' meant. Suddenly, I heard the sounds of footsteps on the grass, and when I turned around it was you."

Surya's eyes were deep in a daze - possibly recollecting the scene.

"You brought nothing. No food, blanket, nothing. Instead, lent me the companionship of a best friend. Your presence had a greater meaning to me: I knew there was no such thing as abandonment in my life. Even though you never replied to a single letter of mine all these years--"

"You sent letters?" he stared astonished. "I never got any..."

What?...Oh. Everything made sense. "Sondhara's officials always have an eye on me. It's probably them who never released the letters. I should have known," I sighed in despair, but stopped when I noticed Surya's fists clench. He's coming back.

"I just want to tell you that...I never forgot you. And coming to that misfortune thing...YOU are still alive, and that's what always gave me hope. I would never want to disappoint you Surya. I don't need your sister's hand as much as I need your friendship. And I assume the same with your sister; she won't marry anyone without your happiness. I'll leave right now after talking to the men in the hall."

And with that I turned around walking towards the door. Come on... My hand reached the handle. Please please please! And just before I could open it, he finally spoke up.

"I see you're still as manipulative as before...Sumedh."


We all needed to see some bro talk! Seems Suryaveer is finally convinced! P.S next chapter starts off with some HILARIOUS Surya-Sumedh bond! 🤭😂 (It will remind you of the real life pair of bros...guess who 😉!)

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