12: The Shocking Revelation

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I sat down under the tree again, not knowing what to do. Unanswered questions were shuffling through my mind. I looked back towards the hut, thinking about the Rajkumari. She must be way more confused than me. I owe her an explanation as well...but the relationship between us right now isn't exactly...ideal.

"Journal Uncle!" I whispered to myself, realizing.

Quickly opening out my journal, I started began my quest for answers.

"Er-Journal Uncle...what is even going on right now?"

I waited eagerly for the golden letters to appear. But it didn't show up. Frustration filled through me as I clutched the book to slam it close. But just as I was about to, the words appeared.

You're not going to give up with this uncle thing are you? What do you want, child?!

"And you're not going to give up with this child thing are you? Anyways, my question for you is what even is the challenge?! We got here and immediately was sent to a hut? What is going on? The only challenge I'm facing is her anger right now!"

Did you ask me before you did all of this stupid stuff? Did you think of your 'Journal Uncle' when you were in this problem? You remember me a day and a half later, idiot. Anyways, to answer your question, sort of, time shall show you what the challenge is...

"What kind of answer is that?! Time?! How long are we even going to be stuck in this random place?! And when am I going to go BACK?!"

A real fool you are. Murkh balak...one of your worst qualities is lacking patience. Who knows maybe you'll be here for one week, 2 weeks, maybe even a month? Who knows? Depends on how fast you prove yourself.

I didn't know whether to ignore his feisty comments or get fumed up with more anger. "So you're saying...I can only get out of here if I prove myself? Now how does that work?"

Child, this time was given for a reason. And that you have to figure out yourself. For now, take this style of living for granted and experience the joys...and struggles. Maybe you'll learn something. That girl you brought might end up helping you...who knows?

"So the challenge is just to live here? Until I prove myself?"

I never said it that way! Just experience this lifestyle...learn...correct mistakes...and get enlightened!

He used that word again...enlightened. "And then my desire will get fulfilled?"

Exactly! And let me say this once again...don't expect your desire to stay the same the whole time...

What is that supposed to mean? I just realized my questions never get answered directly. Instead, Journal Uncle says new things that don't even make sense and leaves me thinking about for days.



I heard him come back in. It's not even lunch time yet. Why has he come back in?

Not speaking a word to him, I continued to face my back to him, pretending he wasn't even there.

"Rajkumari M-Mallika," he started, trying to grab my attention. I wonder why he always stutters when saying my name. He's an abductor after all.

I turned my head slightly away from him, indicating that I was not interested in what he had to say. He huffed in response.

"How long are you going to stay like this?!" he demanded, not the slightest bit of sorrow or guilt in his voice. Hearing the emotionless voice, my anger started rising. What does he think of himself?!

I wanted to yell at him, lash back at him, but remained calm...for the sake of my kingdom.

"Look I know that we didn't really start off this...ummm...relationship..yeah relationship on a happy note - but we still have time." He paused, waiting for my response. Getting nothing, he continued on, "You're getting what I'm trying to say, right?"

Relationship?! What does he mean?! A relationship consists of two people - but the only two things in this relationship is him and his family-sized ego! And now he can't even say 'Sorry' straightforwardly. Disgusting.

I could tell he was getting irritated by the sound of his voice. "Rajkumari Mallika- if you haven't realized yet, I'm talking to you. And when I talk to someone, I expect them to look at me and respond, that too with utmost dignity and respect. It would be better if you could cooperate."

"YOU MIGHT HAVE ACCEPTED ME AS A SPOUSE BUT I HAVEN'T!" I exploded. His words crossed the limit and I couldn't hold back my fury anymore. I turned around abruptly, to see his shocked reaction.

"Did you even once think about apologizing to me? Forget that! I have so many questions in my head right now and did you even think of owning me an explanation! It seems like you abducted me but for some reason I can't get out of my head that you're here for something else! It seems like there is a greater motive!"

His eyes grew cold, but I wasn't done. "Did you...did you even think about my feelings once? How I felt when I was suddenly brought into some random land? How I felt to have left my brother, my people, my kingdom...my only family behind?"

Uncontrollable tears started rolling down my face. I didn't even bother trying to stop them. "How do you think I felt when my swayamvar was cancelled? The fear of the kings and rajkumars revolting with anger on my kingdom has been killing me these past few days! Did you even bother to think about that once?! And when I think about myself...who's going to save my reputation now? W-what if my brother can't handle the news that his sister...disappeared the day of the swayamvar?! H-he will....he will break down!"

The words just flowed out of my mouth at this point. There seemed to have been no end. I looked at him through my blurry eyes...he looked indeed disturbed. There was still one more thought in my head that was struggling to come out of my mouth. My mind didn't want to say it, but my heart didn't listen. I whispered it...just loud enough for him to hear:

"I wanted to marry him...that Rajkumar Sumedh. And now that's gone as well." 


Now that's a big cliffhanger! And before anyone asks...no it's not a dream 🤭

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