26: A New Beginning

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My eyes went back and forth between him and the glowing journal. What is going on here!?

I looked back at the Rajkumar, a questioning look in my eyes. His face had gone slightly pale, as if caught in the middle of a lie. Seeing his expression made me even more curious. I stepped out of the hut, slowly starting to walk over to him.

As the distance between us decreased, my previous worries ceased to exist. It was like his presence made me calm. Looking into his eyes, I saw a simple, loving partner.

In that one moment of realization, everything sped up. My eyes widened at the thoughts running through my head. It felt like the ground was slipping from my feet. I averted my eyes to the ground to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but it was literally true. I love him....I truly love him!

I don't know why my understanding happened at this moment, out of all others. All the questions I had before vanished away answerless, because I knew I needed him. And we would face anything to come...together. I snapped my head back up, my eyes meeting with his again. This time our eyes exchanged a moment of awareness...recognition. As if grasping the same thought from each other's hearts.

But suddenly, a faint roaring sound seemed to get louder. I had heard that sound before. The portal. Meaning...it's time!

"Rajkumari!" he called out, extending his hand towards me. I rushed forward and grabbed it. In all the loudness of swirling winds and invisible forces pushing us heather tether, his mouth mumbled words I couldn't make out. Is he making his desire? Before I could try to focus, a sudden force swallowed us in.



I made my desire...though I don't think she heard it. Good. The similar outline of the grayed cloudiness appeared in front of us. Below laid the book. A sudden force started dragging us inside the portal. But this time it felt different. It felt like I was separating away from something. From something I couldn't quite figure out. For some reason, my conscience forced me to look down at the book. The same gold words that gave me a new life. The same gold words that showed me light. This time new words appeared and when I read them, my breath caught in my throat.

~ Always keep in mind: don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars. Soon you'll figure out what this means...and soon you'll know what to do. Because I believe you can do that...son. I believe in you. ~

And even though the text slowly disappeared, it seemed like every single word was etched deep inside of my head. They hit me...perhaps a bit too much.



I opened my eyes to the familiar scent and corridors of my childhood. But my mind didn't once think to see or even care about my place and people. It was focused on something much more. Something that had set me trembling. Something that increased the rhythm of my heartbeat as anxiety took over: Where is Sumedh?!



I was thrown to the ground, the whirling winds slowly disappearing. The book, looking like any ordinary journal, laid simply on the ground as if it was untouched. I got up, holding my head.

"Rajkumari?" I said out loud, assuming she would reply. But there was none. "Rajkumari!"

I scanned my surroundings, but there was no sight of her. Only the decorated corridor of a palace. My mind couldn't process anything. The love of my life has disappeared. And here I was panicking. I didn't care who sees me, what they think, or what they say - I started sprinting. Sprinting down every single hallway just to see the presence of her. Just to see her safe. Just to see her mesmerizing smile that would relieve me from all the stress unwantedly stored in me. As my feet kept running, unstoppable, my heart rate increased as all my hope started draining. Suddenly, the environment I didn't even care to pay attention to, started to become familiar. I'm in... Suryani. These same flower decorated columns. This same corridor where--

But before I could complete my thoughts, my pacing feet came to a halt when I felt myself bump into something soft. I heard a groan that seemed oddly familiar. My hope was restored. I could recognize that voice anywhere. I rapidly turned around to see her face, the same expression reflecting back from her. Ecstasy. And we stayed like that. Looking at each just to confirm this reality. Whether she realized it or not, I definitely did. Destiny's games are always a wonder. Because we were back to where we started: two royal strangers bumping into each other in a random corridor of the Suryani palace. 


Released this short part for Mallika's birthday! 💖

How do you think this new beginning will start? What's gonna happen next? Stay tuned! 

Also...our wishes have been fulfilled 😭😭💖💖

our wishes have been fulfilled 😭😭💖💖

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 Here's a giant Sumellika picture 🙂

Ok bye 

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